Tag #4

47 1 14

Welp. Totally got missed getting tagged by Xawesome050809X . T ^ T

Any who. Onto ze tags!!!

1) Phone Type?

I think it's called Huwaii. Rarely use it though cuz I have an iPad.

2) Crush?

Lol. This is a joke right? No? Well, here's my answer: Yada.

3) Birthday?

April 14, 2005. Yup. 5 months older than Kai but she's taller. T^T

4) Best Friends?!

Yup! Shaheen  (PersassyMe), Kai (Xawesome050809X), Eri-chi (ExtraCinnamonRoll), Daniella (No Wattpad account...T^T), also Sama (Dawn_Upon_Me).

5) Favorite Song.

Keeps changing, but as of the moment: All About Us - He is We ft. Owl City. I found this song thanks to PuffinRainbow  in her book "The Shy Music Girl". You should go check it out!!!

6) Biggest Fear/ Fears in my case.

a) Trypophobia. Just like Kai.

b) Major acrophobia.

c) Main one, stage fright. I absolutely HATE performing/singing in front of an audience.

d) Second main one, clowns. They're just creepy dude.

7) Hair Color.

Almost mistaken for black at this point...-_-  But I swear it's brown!!!

8) Favorite Subject.

Either English or I guess maths. Our maths teacher this year is really nice.

9) Favorite Sport.

Volleyball. Even though I'm not that good at it...but I like playing it with some of my classmates.

10) Tag 20 people...?

Fudging fudge sticks and cheese nuggets...welp, anyways.

1) Moonstress (Gomenasai...)

2) KalidaBoeren 

3) CherryCola17 

4) Anime_Tonboy_Moon 

5) jenn_iii

6) Karmagisa11

7) VixZaludekova 

8) kellytee-15 

9) _Moonbow_Moon 

10) Aquamarine42

11) NaLuForLifeOTP (Gomenasai...)

12) Sophiastar51 

13) Dawn_Upon_Me (Mwhahahaha! *Ze evil laugh!!!*)

14) GalaxysMagic

15) DelicateDevils

16) Peaceout1212

17) Theverythingfangirl

18) strawberrystrawder

19) Maki_Nishikino_Chan (Gomenasai...)

20) ExtraCinnamonRoll (Lol. But finally!)

THERE! You happy now Kai? Geez.

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