Chapter Nine

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He wasn't wrong. The next morning, the Six rode out to battle on their horses for the very first time. Met by a full army of Dumarian soldiers. Beth made a realization in that moment, she had never been afraid, not until the Dumarian soldiers found out who she was. And as she stood before hundreds of men, ready to rip her to shreds for crimes her father committed against their enemy's king, she knew she was in danger.

The Six lined their horses, no one faltered, not even for a second. Galloping. Yelling. Blood. Clashing. Booming. Death. War.


Noeh was not even afraid. He was more or less hoping that Finnegan didn't decide now was a good time to toss his body to the dirt. But he didn't, Noeh's confidence inflamed, he released his reins and was wreaking terror on grounded men with a sword in each hand. Blood soared through the air like rain, his devilish smile tore through the souls of his victims, the beast between his legs trampled anyone that dared tried to stop them. That's when he saw her.

She and her jet black horse were tearing through dozens of men at a time, but they were still gaining on her. Noeh switched gears, he sheathed a sword and with his empty hand yanked Finnegan's reins in Beth's direction. The horse took off with supernatural speed, Noeh slashing bodies as they went by, until finally reaching her. Without second thought, he jumped from Finnegan's back and started slaying man after man, the mass of them slowly depleting. He looked to Beth and she nodded her thanks. His past few weeks had been trying to accomplish a true apology, and in his mind, there was none better than to risk his life to save hers. He only hoped she would agree.

He turned back to Finnegan who was galloping back in his direction, and like a true horseman extended a hand up and out, grabbed the horn and heaved his body onto the still galloping horse's back. The power he now felt with the animal beneath him was unmatched, he had never felt so malicious and strong. He felt that his strength had finally reached the height he'd always strived to achieve, he just couldn't believe that it was due to a rotten creature.

At the end of the battle day, he was astonished that they had all survived. The ride back to camp was the most dreadful ride of his life. Not that there had been many to begin with. He couldn't help but think of what the next day of battle would be like. They were far too outnumbered. Something had to be done, and soon. Or no one was going to make it out alive.


Beth saw him coming, and for once she didn't run the other way.

"Noeh." She said, and he was clearly surprised that she had addressed him. "Tack up your horse, and let's go." He didn't protest at all.

Beth asked for him to simply follow her, along the way thanking him for helping her on the battlefield. He was actually glad that his attempt did not go unrecognized. It seemed as if they were riding for hours, but he figured it had actually only been minutes. He found himself bored just walking on a horse since he had learned to go the incredible speeds possible for the beast. Walking took a century. He acted as if he was content, for Beth's sake.

Water. Lots of it. Rushing, wooing. There was an immense lake, but he had no idea it was even there. He had never ventured out that far into the woods. At least not in that direction. He looked at Beth, who had stopped and dismounted Calypso just short of a small cliff and tied her horse to a tall tree. He followed her lead, afraid of doing something to piss her off. If there were ever a time she would kill him. It would be then. They were alone and isolated, perfect for murder. Instead, she started to take off her shoes. Unexpected. It was only then that he noticed the rope.

"Beth, what are we doing here?" He asked.

"You're here to apologize to me by trying to live a little more free, though I do appreciate your attempt today." She smiled.

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