friends and fights

611 9 7

I wake up to the sound of someone blowing a whistle. I sit up while still in my sleeping bag to see who's making that noise. I look to see it's ruby while at the same time seeing Weiss on the ground annoyed. I get up stretching and ruby runs over blowing the whistle again making me cover my ears in pain.

"Morning Jason!!!", she yells excited.

"Morning beautiful, and also can i see that for a second?", i asked pointing at her whistle.

"Sure", she answers as she hands it to me. I take it and put it in my pocket and walk off while hearing ruby pout.

"You can have it back once you stop blowing it every second", i tell her before i shut the door to the bathroom. I walk up to the mirror and begin to brush my teeth while i take out my scroll to see what time it is and i says 9:00. Looks like we've got 30 minutes until we have to be at classes. I finish brushing my teeth and washing my face and as i'm drying my face i stare at the mirror and see some glint on the top of my head. I take my finger and brush it off to see that it's sweat, and i know why. I must have had that nightmare again except i don't remember it, but i won't let that  ruin my day. I finish up and come out to see that all the girls are dressed in the school uniform and i can tell that's it hasn't changed at all. For me though i don't have to wear one which is nice. I look back at my scroll to see the time again and it says it's 9:10 and right when i look up i see everyone decorating the room and i decide to head to class. I walk over to a desk and pull out a notepad and write a note saying i left for class as their still oblivious to me. I head towards the cafeteria to get something to eat which is kind of strange for me since hunger can't really kill me, but i do feel the pain of hunger. I walk in and as i'm walking passing the tables that have students sitting at them i pass someone guy with brown hair with a little white on the front picking on a rabbit faunas with his team which makes me stop right past them. I sigh in annoyance and pull out my magnum quickly shooting past the brown haired guys ear making it ring. He stumbles back from the sudden shot and i come from behind him and sweep his leg. He tries to get up but i point my gun at him making him stay still.

"I would like to have a little talk with you", i told him pointing my gun away. I pop out the cylinder and drop all the bullets into my hand but then i put one bullet back in and spin the cylinder while popping it back in. I point the gun back at him as her tries to crawl back but i put my foot on his chest stopping him.

"Let's play a game while having this talk. Your going to stop picking on every faunas in this school by today, ok?", i ask.

"Screw you", he answers. I pull the trigger but there's only a click which makes him begin to sweat.

"Wrong If you don't answer correctly you might get a bullet to the head", i said as i pulled the trigger again with another click.

"Your....your...insane", he says with fear in his voice. I pull the trigger again and there's another click.

"wow, your very lucky. I should have fired the bullet by now, must be the next one.......probably", i said. He stares at me as i slowly begin to pull the trigger creating tension.

"Ok,OK,OK, i'll stop", he says. I still keep the gun on him but then i put the gun up while taking my foot off him.

"Good", i said as i pulled the trigger pointing towards the ceiling.


"What do you know? seems you answered in the nick of time", i said with a smile as my face turned dark.

"Now, if you ever do this again i will make sure that every barrel is loaded, except one", i said putting my magnum away with my traditional cowboy spin. he runs away with his team in fear and that's when i notice everyone staring but they soon stop and go back to what they were doing. 

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