On Tragedy

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Why oh why

Why are we eagerly awaiting the sweet toll of beautiful Golden bells ringing in a far off land

Why does a darkness loom around us all?

Why is it that only when that darness strikes us,
our hearts begin to yern to light a path of candels so that we may see?

Why do we let those candels burn out
Why do we never bring ourselves to help others finish the path of light?

Why oh why must it be this way?

Why do we wear bilndfolds over our eyes that stop us from seeing how other people hurt
Why does no one try and take off their restraints

Why do we support those fighing for positive change and then choose to never lift a finger for the cause?

Why do we turn away from helping the positive so that we can focus and complain about the negative?

Why oh why

Why, I scream to you, why does the world and our words revolve around hate?

Why do humans understand more of what fills them with hate than what fills them with joy?


Authors note

Hello everyone! I hope found my poem interesting! I just wanted to talk about all the negative things that happen. It seems like only in a time such as this with all the shootings that have been happening in the past few years, that people come together for a common reason. And even then, there are people who try and blame the people they don't like instead of focusing on the tragedy at hand. Thanks for reading

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