Chapter 2

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" rise and shine Oakley , you can fall back asleep in the car ok" I said "ok " my baby girl responded, after I put Oakley in the car all buckled I had her babymoniter in the car and I had the other end so I could run upstairs and get Brandon.

"Brandon sweety time to get up you can fall back asleep in the car ok " " yup" my sleepy boy responed.

After I had all the kids stuff packed and then in the back of the car buckled we were ready to leave

Around 7 , Oaklet woke up and was very hungry so I gave her a banana until Brandon woke up and we could find someplace to eat. Around 7:45 Brandon woke up and we stopped at Danny's to get some breakfast,

" 4 mini pancakes and 2 sausages with 2 apple juice and an extra plate " I said out of breath at the end, then I said "and for me ... I'll have 2 pancakes and 2 peices of bacon and a cup of water " after we ordered Oakley asked "mommy when we get to tour home , who are we going to see" , I responded quickly with"  your gonna meet your grandma, grandpa,  uncle Mike , and 3 of your aunties"  she responded with something I never thought she say " are we gonna meet our daddy"  my eyes in utter shock "um... baby I don't think daddy will be there " that was not true , the know he s there on extra and Ali's page they are a thing and post pics together all the time , at least I know the girls are on my side they unfollowed ali. After we are we got back into the car and that took 10 minutes because one. I have 2 baby's not 1 and.two. they hate when I put them in the wrong seat and they only tell me after their both buckled in , but even tho I love my baby's more than anything in the entire universe , they are my world,  we drove to Rosewood with out any fights about stuffed animals and but 2 they were all sleeping and quite.  Finally I reached my mom and dad's house not really ready to tell them anything , thankfully my kids were sleeping.

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