Chapter 10: 'Food Hunting'

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Cory's POV

All of us were still finding food. Until now we still have 1 lizard and 2 rabbits. I know horrible right? You wanna know why? Cuz Tommy always eat's ALL the food! And no I am NOT exaggerating. I swear I am gonna kick his fucking one hell of a fat ass soon.

I forgot to mention; all of us decided to go into pairs. Me Ashlie Uni, Dawn and Jon, and Tommy and Nick (fucking ships bruhhhhh) As we three were walking quietly, we suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes. Ashlie -being herself- pulled out her axe immediately. And Uni -being himself- pullet out his axe as well BUT he was shaking a little, yeah... He's a bit of a coward. And me being MYSELF pulled out my axe but not that fast since I don't want to injure myself.

As the three of us got closer and closer to the bush we were getting more nervous. We raised our axe and the rustle became stronger.

Holy shit were gonna die!

And then................................. A bunny came out hopping away living it's life happily hopping away while eating the kale it got. We all groaned in annoyance and frustration, " What the hell was wrong with that rabbit?!" Uni yelled, his british accent becoming more and more unintelligible the more he rants. Ashlie just sighs and puts out her axe "At least it wasn't something dangerous, we were lucky it was just a bunny because if it's one of those big mutants again then-" she then made a slitting motion with her hand. 

We then heard another rustle but this time it's not coming from the bushes, it's coming from the leaves of the tree's, the tree's that's R I G H T  B E H I N D U S "Holy shit!" I yelled looking at the trees, it's leaves falling like snow. Ashlie pulled out her axe again "WHO'S THERE?!" She yelled bravely, but you can hear the hint of fear on her voice. Me and Uni did the same, we pulled out our axes too. "Come out! We don't want to hurt you...? Oryouknowyoudon'thurtusImean..." Uni babbled out fear wrapping his voice.

All of us looked around, our back sticking with each others back. Another tree rained down it's leaves around us. "What the..." Ashlie whispered lowly, in a blink of an eye Uni was on the ground holding his arm, which was bleeding hard. "UNI!" I immediately ran to him ripping a cloth from my long sleeves and wrapping it around his wound. Uni groaned in pain "Thanks Cory" he said looking at me, you can see the tears in his eyes. Ashlie was looking around a lot looking for the monster who attacked Uni.

And then something- no someONE fell of the tree, actually not literally fell of, it was more of a swan swimming cuz damn their landing was elegant AF. Ashlie point her axe at them "Who are you?" (Wow Heathers reference right there XDthe person laughed. Oh I forgot to mention he was wearing a hoodie. "What do you want from us?" I asked seriously. It then took off its hood and the three of us gasped. "Mark...?" Uni whispered, "Mark! Is this the reason why you suddenly went away from Youtube?" I asked. He just looked at the three of us, his eyes dark and emotionless, large bags under his eyes, and you can see the dried tears on his face, his light rose hair turned darker magenta.

"Ahh Cory Crater, Uni Comics,and Ashlie Washington (idk) I've been waiting for you." his deep funny voice turned into a murderers voice. "Wait hold on Mark why are you doing this?" Ashlie asked retreating her axe "For years I've been all alone, in the dark, no one to talk to, if only Jack was here..." he said tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Why? What happened to Jack?" Ashlie asked softly, "You are so dumb! He's dead for pete's sake! DEAD I TELL YOU DEAD" he shouted tears flowing from his eyes. "W-what? H-how?" I asked shocked that Jack THE Jacksepticeye, is dead. "One of those huge mutants killed him, he got killed because of me... I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE NOT HIM!" he shouted loudly his tears now falling like waterfalls. "And don't you people see...? This world... It's a simulation! This is a game!" all of us looked at him like he's a madman.

I mean right now... he technically is one so...

"Game? Simulation? Mark have you lost your mind?" I asked "I'm not lying! After 3 years I've been researching this world with the limited materials here and I found something, something that says this is a simulation! This world doesn't have time heck time doesn't even working here! It's like the whole world is turning, time is running... except for this place. This place is... different, and when no signs of plane crashes here day and night glitches it's like the game is being paused and then resumed but suddenly with a different time. And if I said 3 years that was just a guess, Cory look at your watch and look closely, the second hand turns but it doesn't matter on how much it turns, the minute hand and hour hand NEVER turns! Look you three need to believe me, I don't know what happens after you die it's either A. your real body slowly dies B. you wake up or C. this is actually real you either go to heaven or in hell. But if you three don't believe in me then fine, its okay but I have to go... Heh I need to visit Jack, goodbye guys" he said smiling slightly and sadly at us before he putted his hood on and he left.

We managed to get more food so we all went back to the cabin. As we were walking Mark's words kept replaying on my mind over and over again. 

  This world... It's a simulation! This is a game!  

"Cory, CORY!" "Huh what?" I snapped back to reality, and saw Ashlie looking at me worriedly "Were here, and are you okay?" "Yeah are you? You look tired Cory" Uni said. "It's just that... Mark's word stuck on me, it feels like he was telling the truth but my brain didn't want to believe what he was saying" I sighed looking at the tree's "Actually... I feel like that too" Uni said "Same, his words stuck to me too" Ashlie replied. "We should probably get water as well" "Yeah" both of them replied "Let's go" I smiled. We then went off to get water and we waited for the others to come back


HALLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EVERYBADY YES I AM ALIVE I KNOW I KNOW UR PROBABLY ASKING WHY CUZ I DON'T KNOW AS WELL! School has been hell though ughhh I hate it so much don't you agree AmazingReanna? Anyways I will see you guys on the next chapter and yah see ya! *wink wonk* :)


Btw this is dedicated to my sister K

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