M A G N E T 7 ♡

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Ivan Hernandez’ POV

On the way back to where Ver and Lance where left Trinity started a conversation "Hey Ivan, can you still cary all those?" She pointed to the 5 cold cans of refreshments.

"Ah. Oh yeah. My muscles can handle these." I tokd her as I show her my muscled arms. She slightly chuckled. She looks so cute *u* So gay. Eww. Erase erase.

"Okay, just tell me when you need help." She smiled. Oh god damn it! Need to restrain myself from pinching her cheeks! I’m starting to look lika a gay here. Psh. -.-

When we got near them, there was only Lance and Ver. Ver has her earphones on while Lance was staring at her.

"Look." I told Trinity as I point over the two. She plastered a big grin on her face. Then we stopped walking.

Then with a blink of an eye. Lance just kissed Ver!

Trinity was shocked, too. Her mouth was covered with her both hands as she looked at them.


Monique Veronica’s POV

When Dom, Tri and Ivan left us, I got my earphones plugged and played About a Girl by The Academy.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Lance smiling like an idiot and staring at me. I kept on asking him "What’s with you?" No answer.

"What’s with the face?" No Answer.

"Do I have something on my face?" I kept  on asking but he just stared at me like (^.^)(_._)(^.^)

What’s taking Dom so long in the washroom?! Is he already flushed in the toilet or got sucked up by the hand dryer?! WHERE IS HE WHEN I NEED HIM?!

"I know i’m pretty no need to----" I was cut off when Lance just stole my first kiss!

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I kept on shoving him away from me and that snapped him back to reality. And later on, he realized what he did.


Lance Alexander’s POV

Aftet I realized what I have done. I kept on asking Monique to accept my apology.

"Monique, i’m sorry not sorry." I pleaded. She didn’t even bother to look at me. Psh. :3

Until Tri and Ivan are back. They kept on teasing me. I pouted and said "I was just carried away by my thoughts that all."

"Hmp. Who would like to kiss that Boy Magnet?!" I Retorted. Hmp. They are bullying me TT0TT

"You." Said Ivan then started laughing again. "Ha ha ha" I laughed sarcastically.

I looked at Monique and it seems that she can’t hear us. That’s because I can hear the music from her earphones and it looks like it’s on the maximum volume.

Trinity and Ivan kept on teasing me until they caught Dom in their sight and stopped.

Phew. At least they stopped. :3 And everyone acted normal as if nothing happened.

"Have you been flushed on the toilet?" Ivan started with a chuckle. Hahahaha.

"Or been sucked up on the hand dryer?" Trinity said. Hahahahaha!

I can’t help but join them in the laughing portion. Hahahahha.

Then, when Dom was reaching his boiling temper we stopped. And wiped the tears of joy in the corner of our eyes.

He then said, "Come on up guys. It’s already time." Everyone got up with their luggages and started walking.


A/N: Hi Guyyyyys ^.^ Hope you enjoyed the laughing portion. Vote and comment :*

Magnet VS. Cassanova (SLOW UPDATE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon