The Darkest Moment

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This is another poem for my mom. I have the biggest fear that she'll never know how much I love her. So I wrote this to express that fear.

For my mom
Who will never know
The safest songs
Of my heart's woe

Keep your bed warm
Sleep well at night
Have incredulous dreams
No pain tonight

Hold close your love
From those around
Because it's my love
Which makes quiet sound

A mother during day
A smoker at night
Drunken laughter 'till dawn
It's you I hold tight

But I have a deep fear
For the day you are gone
Where I bring my own children
To tell about my own mom

Who's lungs were black
And were made with lacquer
Who's voice I cherish
Best filled with laughter

Who smelled like flowers
Despite cigarettes
Who's life I defend
Even in death

But for now I forget
The pain and the sorrow
That grief should be saved
For another tomorrow

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