Poe Dameron x Reader

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It was late. Like, really late. You could barely keep your eyes open. But you had to. Your boyfriend Poe Dameron was coming home from a mission today. You had already been waiting in the hanger for two hours. General Organa said that he should be back around 12am but it was already almost 2. Where is he? You thought.

By now, you were the only one in the hanger. Many times already you had been tempted to leave. But you knew you couldn't. You haven't seen Poe in 2 weeks. It was torturous to have to deal with worrying whether he was alive or not. Luckily the General has made contact with him yesterday and he said he'd be back today. You've tried reaching him on his com link but he hasn't answered. Please don't be dead. You thought over and over again.

You checked the clock on your watch. It was 2:30. The longer you sat there waiting, the more tired you grew. Eventually, you let yourself succumb to darkness.


You awoke slowly the next morning. You couldn't hardly open you eyes. But it was Saturday, so you could stay in bed as long as you wanted. Then you realized, you weren't sitting on a bench and you couldn't smell the gas fumes. More surprisingly, you could feel big arms around you. They were warm. You opened your eyes, extremely confused. But what you saw was truly breathtaking.

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