Taking Chances

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Since my story demands ,I am putting a bit intimacy in this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with closeness, you may skip the 2nd and the 3rd sub parts of this chapter.

Hermionie took long strides as she reached for Draco.
Malfoy never ceased to surprise her.
A flower or a song, a book or a movie, lazy afternoons, crazy parties, formally informal, informally formal, crazy, bitchy, gentle.... She had shared weird moments in the last three years with him.
And he never ceased to amuse her.
Who knew the Ferret was so much fun!!!!

In the last seven years, he has graduated to a fine man from that snobby boy she knew. His myriad calibur surprised her.

Today was no exception.
The ladies really pushed her hard and Draco showed up miraculously right when she needed a get away.
This was more than she could ask for.
But something about her feelings changed after knowing the unknown.
A few hours back Draco was that interesting boy who gave her butterflies. But after today's discussion, he suddenly felt like her own . Enjoying the jelly legs and nervous excitement felt so legal.
Hermionie felt ecstatic with the newly found feel.
Suddenly Draco and Harry were both legal to her. She had no idea what would happen if they didn't merge.
But right now, Draco felt as exciting as Harry. And she wanted to take this excitement all along, without a guilt trip.

As she reached him, she imitated his smirk.
What handsome? Missed me so much?

Not today girlfriend. I am not playing those word games. I am here for what I deserve. I am here to take  what is rightfully mine.

The power of the words and  the brutality of his statement made her shudder.  She was respected. She was feared. But she was not really desired.
A mixed shiver of ecstacy and anticipation ran down her spine.
She could see raw desire in those stormy grey eyes.

Hermionie had trained herself to become a woman of controlled emotions. But that didn't mean she couldn't read expressions. She could feel their desires mingling and all she wanted was to let out the feeling that made her toes tingle and palms sweat.
She had been too decent for too long.
She felt so old. Things needed to be changed.
She had always been a mess when it came to confronting her bodily feelings. Ron was a disaster. And Harry, well....

But when it came to this blond, she always felt the forbidden lust and often woke up sweating, feeling him, desiring him and trying every such thing with him in her dreams that she would never confess to herself also. It was unacceptable by her own definition. But today she felt brave, very brave. Like a true Griffindor.

In the last 7 years she denied herself companionship. When Harry nonchalantly talked about his muses and wild girls, she felt like a complete loser. She too wanted to be a  bad girl for her unknown Prince Irresistible, but all she managed  was to lecture Harry on futility of  cheap thrills. But her inner voice would scream.... liar.... liar.....liar....

But today that inner wall was breaking. She was no more afraid to accept her inner voice. It was no coincidence that of all war victims, her only choice of a friend was Draco. And it was neither generosity, nor destiny. She was more than happy to make friends with her secret crush and she badly wanted him to be her second chance after Ron.

Unfortunately things moved too fast and she left for America. And when she came back, she was too uncertain for everything.
Better late than never. She thought.

She had been such a hypocrite all along. Three years... Three years she would tell herself...
I am different. I am not an easy catch. I have dignity. I have class. I need an extra special guy.
That extra special guy whom she never found.
Draco would flirt. She would flirt back. But she dared not take a bolder step. He was Draco Malfoy, the ex Deatheater. He was the Slytherin Prince and she was the typical good girl. How could he be extra special!!!

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