// 01. Killer Kiss

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KILLER KISS // PG-13 // 1210w

Dedication: Kymanee -- for creating this collection's very cute cover :)

WARNING: suicide attempt

Summary: Beware of the beauty that captures the attention of your eyes. Beware, for the unexpected becomes the expected.


Andrei stayed in his province during his one-week off work. On his last day, he rode his bicycle through a road with trees, tall grass and flowers rich in color on the sides as the sun set. It was springtime, and many kinds of flowers bloomed in every corner of the small town.

Thirty minutes passed and he finally reached his destination; the long wooden bridge at the tip of the island. It was his most favorite place. It seemed as though he was the only one who knew of its existence.

Andrei took off his helmet and hung it on his bicycle's handlebar before getting off. He placed the vehicle against the bridge's railings, and walked toward the end of the bridge.

He continued to walk with eyes closed, taking in the sweet melody of chirps of the local birds and the sound of the ocean splashing on the bridge’s bottom pillars as the water below the row of planks danced with the wind. He stood in the middle of the structure for a moment when he re-opened his eyes. For the first time, he saw a person where he least expect he would see one.

“Well, that’s a first,” he mumbled to himself.

He continued to walk toward what seemed like a girl standing at the end of the bridge.

The person didn’t seem like a girl; it was a girl. She had straight, frizzy jet-black hair and wore a blue dress which perfectly camouflaged with the ocean. Andrei took a few more steps before seeing her shoulders slumped as she took slow, small steps. She appeared weak and tired as if she carried all the problems in the world on her back.

After going into deep thought as to why the girl came to this isolated part of the town (because, honestly, she does not look like she came to have fun), it hit Andrei. She didn’t come to this remote place to soothe herself. Not to appreciate nature too, either. It was something else. Something not good.

“Hey, stop!” Andrei shouted.

The girl was taken aback and fell on her behind. Unlike any other people, she did not turn around and look at from who the voice came from. Instead she sat perfectly still.

Andrei ran, shrinking the space between him and the stranger. He grabbed the girl's arms, mindful of the strength he was exerting, and helped her stand up.

"Are you okay?" Andrei asked.

The girl did not answer, but a few moments later she nodded lazily.

She did not take her blank gaze off the wide body of water. Seconds passed and she took a step forward, about to resume her original plan.

Andrei’s eyes widened in shock of the sudden movement. He tightened his grip and pulled the girl back. “Wait,” he said. “What are you doing?”

It was the question that escaped from Andrei’s mouth that took the girl back to reality, and taking notice of the owner of the hands supporting her. Andrei gaped at the sight of the stranger’s face: her eyes were red and swollen, her nose was running and her cheeks were wet with streaks of tears still visible.

The girl let out a soft sob. Andrei frowned. “What’s the matter?”

“I...,” the girl hesitated. “I don’t... want to live on this planet anymore,” she struggled between sobs.

Andrei was an insensitive man, but he could not deny how he felt his heart crush by what he was confessed to. His suspicions were right. She did not come to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery, or cry her heart out of whatever problem she had; she was going to end her life.

He stared at the girl who returned her gaze back at the ocean as tears once again flowed down her cheeks. Being an insensitive person he is, he tried, really tried to think of a good way to comfort her. Not knowing what else to do, he reached for his handkerchief from the pocket of his jacket and offered it. The girl did not take it, and rather averted her eyes to the plank beneath her feet.

Andrei took the initiative and patted the girl's cheeks dry.

“Look,” he said. “I don’t know why you’d do such thing, but ending your own life is not an option. It's never an option.” He finished his argument with a nod and a pair of wide eyes, trying to lighten up the mood even just a tiny bit.

The girl met Andrei's eyes. A new emotion was added to her already twisted beautiful face—she frowned. “You know nothing of the misery I’m in,” she hissed, and then took a step, bigger than her previous steps, toward the very edge of the bridge. Andrei yanked her back before she could take another which would have sent her off to the depth of the ocean.

“Hold on.” He sighed. “I guess,” he continued, “I won’t be able to stop you.”

There was a pause, and then, “But... um... I guess this sounds kind of weird whatsoever, but before you go, could you give me the best kiss you could ever give?" Andrei asked shyly.

Silence surrounded them. The girl’s expression turned from gloom to confusion. Her brows furrowed and her sobbing stopped (almost). She tipped her head to one side. "Excuse me?"

“Um... uh... nothing. Forget I said anything.” Andrei let go of the girl’s arms and both looked away from each other.

There was an awkward silence between the two but after a while, Andrei felt soft, cold hands on his jaw, pulling his face from one side to the other. A calm face inched forward him and before he knew it, chapped lips were pressed onto his. They tasted sweet despite their bareness. Andrei lifted his arms and cupped the girl’s face with both hands.

A minute had passed, but it felt like only a few seconds. They let go, eyes still closed, and as they opened them, they found each other staring into each other's windows to their soul.

“Wow,” Andrei said. He stared deep into her eyes. “That was…something. It was the best I’ve ever had, actually."

The girl searched for honesty in the man's eyes, and when she found it, her lips formed a curve. Andrei returned the gesture.

“Why would you let such talent go to waste?” Andrei asked. The girl looked away shyly, and bit her bottom lip.

“Well, you see…” she hesitated. Her tone made Andrei grow a little too curious.

"What? What is it? You can tell me, I won't laugh or anything."

"You promise?"

"I promise," Andrei said as he held his right hand open beside his face.

The girl nodded gently and slowly met Andrei's eyes once again.

"Okay," she nodded. "You see..." she paused and bit her lip once again. "My family doesn't accept me for who I truly am."

"Why is that?"

There was yet another pause, then finally she said, "They don't accept my being a lady within a man's body."

Andrei's brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief if ever his understanding of what the girl told him was correct. The girl noticed his changed expression and restated what she had said.

"I'm a man with the heart of a woman."


A/N: I just received a typical group message, and my brain created all sorts of scenes, and these are just bits of it. Yeah.

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