five: too good

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You had her, but that was yesterday.

Today is today and today she is her. Today she is venomous and frostbitten.

And today seems especially bitter in its irony for the sun outside your dusty window is bright and warm, opened arms for the world and turned back creating shadows. The brilliant sun is unaware of the envy your gaze casts upon it as it smiles down.

You loathe the sun. It's a lie, you know. You used to bask in the sun's glow with a Saturday smile and a volleyball player energy.

But those days have gone. These days, now, you cradle the moon close to your chest and never, never leave its shadows. You are undeserving of that silver stagelight.

She is a night storm, a midnight hurricane. You are a cloud cover, a dreary misty dusk.

There is a crack in the walls.

Dusk and midnight don't mix.

The crack is small for now, but quite soon it will grow...

You know it will...

And then the house will give way to the termites in the walls.

But until then the crack is small. So much so that she doesn't notice it.

But you do.

You always have.

But you're curious, aren't you? You needn't answer that.

You're so curious your veins burn with the dry freeze of it.

You're so curious your hands shake and quiver with a painful desire.

You're so desperate that your fingers jerk erratically with the thrum of action and change.

So you don't mention the breaks in the foundation.

And still...

She doesn't notice.

The foundations crumble around you...


She doesn't notice.

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