Round 4 - The Top 5 [ENTRIES] | VOTING CLOSED

121 13 19


+ Do NOT abuse, disrespect, be rude or fight with another contestant. It's okay to have your opinions but don't start a fight. Any such comments will be deleted immediately and if worse comes to worse, that user will be muted. This is a stage of fun, not not-fun.

+ The contestants CAN vote for other graphics BUT not for their graphics. The contestants have 3 votes ONLY per round. They can utilize them all on the same graphic or different graphics but they can vote ONLY 3 times. Same goes for viewers.

+ NO negative criticism.

+ Voting will be open for three days including the day that we post that particular round. Any vote after the last day cast will NOT be counted.

+ Viewers and contestants, please note that you CANNOT vote through an inline comment.  After scrolling through all the entries, at the end of the last chapter showcasing the entries, in the comments section will you cast your votes. [suppose the entries are showcased in five chapters, then in the fifth chapter ONLY in the comments section without using an inline comment will you cast your votes]. This particular round has NO groups because it's ONLY five entries.

So your comment should be something like, "My vote/picks/favourite: 1,3,5"or whatever the serial number and group of the graphic. If you want to give all their votes to the same graphic then it'll be, "My vote blah blah: 2,2,2"

You can ONLY compliment the graphic using inline comments.



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