The Beginging

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It was dark out as we drove down the highway to New York city. The lights gleamed brightly in front of us like tiny stars twinkling in the night. What looked like small skyskrapers grew taller as we drew closer. It was beautiful but not home, at least not yet anyway. Mom always said that home was where your heart was but right now mine is still back at home in St. Petersburg, Tennessee, with her. I mean I'm glad I get to see my dad for the first time but I don't want to leave my mom either. While I never met my dad growing up, he would try to talk to me as much as he could over the phone or through text. But lately he has been to busy. I guess that's what it's like to be the daughter of Tony Stark. I've only talked with him once since mom died and that was last week at the funeral. It feels good to know he still cares for me and mom, even if they were never romantically involved, enough to take time off and come down for her funeral.

(Add transitional sentence) We had been on our way home from having dinner at Aunt Mary's when a drunk driver speed through a red light and slammed into the divers side. The doctors said mom died almost instantly and if it wasn't for Matt Carter and his son Blake, I would have been blown up into a million pieces. I had been knocked out when the car was hit and knocked into the ditch, so I didn't recall anything after getting hit. When I woke up I didn't find out mom died until a lady from social services told me. She later asked me if I knew of anyone I was related to that I could live with. When I mentioned my father it was almost an immediate decision that I would be living with him for now on.

"Ms. Analynn, we have arivved," Happy informed me as he looked at me through the mirror.

I looked out the window to see the Avengers Tower. "Why are we here?"

"Mr. Stark moved here after the avengers defeated Ultron."

"Are the other Avengers here? Will I be living with them?"

"Yes, but this will all be explained by your father later. Right now we have to meet Ms. Pots at the entrence."

It was then that I noticed Pepper and I jumped out of the car and ran to her. I felt so relieved to see someone I knew. "Pepper! Its been forever!" I yelled while engulfing her in a hug.

"I know, I missed you to. My, you have grown up so much, you look amazing," she replied smiling.

"Thanks Pep."

"Your welcome, but now we need to get you in your room and ready for the party. I can't wait to see the look on your father's face when he sees his his daughter for the first time and all grown up too!"

"Wait what party?!!"

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