15 3 1

"Lance, we have a vegetarian pizza for a Shiro on 24 Amber Lane." He said, glancing up at the lanky tan boy.
"Sure thing, Hunk." Lance tore off his apron and cap and flung on his blue hoodie. The manger had already left, so he didn't need to wear his work jacket. He rushed out the back door, grabbing the goods on the way. He quickly put on his helmet as he hopped on his scooter.

The sooner he gets this done, the sooner his shift ends.
He's honestly surprised by the fact someone ordered pizza at 11:32 pm. His shift should've ended 15 minutes ago, but this Shiro just had to add an extra half an hour to it.

He sped down the empty roads and turned onto Amber Lane, glancing at the mail box numbers as he drove by.

' 18, 20, 22, 24.'

He swerved onto the side of the road to park, trotting down the foot path and swung open the small white gate.

The colours were tinted blue under the moonlight. White roses, on both sides, lined the path way to the short, shack-like veranda. As he walked down the path, he took note of the colour of the house. A grey with a white trim along the windows and roof that matched with the posts of the veranda. He felt like he was walking to his abuela's house to enjoy some tea and home-baked cookies.

He reluctantly knocked on the door. 'Pizza delivery.' He cringed at himself.
A range of thuds and clicks made Lance nervous, and unsure about this place. He had never delivered so late before, what type of people order pizza delivery at this hour? And, the name, 'Shiro', sounds like the name of someone Lance does not want to mess with.

"Yes," said a soft voice, disrupting the silence.

As the door creaked open more darkness poured from the inside, which made Lance start to sweat. Was this the beginning of Lances end?
When the door finally opened, a short, slim figured stood in the door way, with bare feet and over sized red button up pj's. His eyes were a warm grey colour but around, they were red and swollen along with his runny nose and chapped lips. 'Shiro', finally realised this weird, lanky, tan pizza guy had been studying his face. His cheeks flushed a magenta shade as he pulled his fringe into his eyes more.

"Um..." Lance stood, stunned.


"Oh, yeah, th-that'll be 15 dollars."

He held the box and bagged bottle out in front of 'Shiro'.
'Shiro' patted down his pants and a look of realisation painted his face.
"Um, I left my wallet in the lounge room I'll be right back." He scrambled off. Lance heard another loud thud, although this time, there was no little pitter-patters afterwards.


No reply.


Once again, no reply.

He wiped his shoes on the worn out welcome matt before he waltzed into the hallway. As he turned the corner, he heard a quiet sobbing. "Sir?"He used his free hand to guide himself around the place. It was pitch black. He brushed his figures along something that felt like a switch. He pushed it and his eyes were greeted by the sudden bright light, he looked around the room. It's a mess.

Crushed Redbull and V cans are scattered everywhere, accompanied by finished cartons of Ben and Jerrys ice cream sitting on the white coffee table in the middle of the small, crowded room, along with some scrunched up pieces of printer paper, and dirty clothes. A crumpled bean bag is sat in front of the medium sized flat screen tv that is without a stand on the floor. It looked like he was in the middle of watching 'Fox and the Hound' when Lance arrived. And the biggest mess of all, was the person lying on the
grey carpet with his fore arm over his eyes, sobbing.

He giggled whilst still crying. "How humiliating."

"Um, Sir, are you okay?"

"Are you blind?" He chuckled.


Lance found a clear spot in amongst all the empty ice cream cartons on the white coffee table, to place the pizza and drink. He sat down beside the man.


"Call me 'Keith', "
Lance cocked his head to the side. "But the name you ordered with was Shir-"

"That's my brothers name."

"Oh." The room went silent.

Lance looked ready to jump off a bridge. This is not how he planned his night to go.
He took a closer look around the room. There were broken picture frames of Keith and an anonymous guy, along with some untouched family photos. His eyes lead him to the floor and he noticed one of the scrunched up pieces of paper sat close to him. He pulled his hand back a few times before he picked it up. He bit his bottom lip anxiously while unwrapping it. It's a series of text messages. He can't stop himself from reading them.

'I love you.'

Damn, Lance thought. He hasn't even gotten to the second message and he is already blushing.

'But how long do u think we will be like this? I mean, Shiro and Allura have broken up.'

'Forever. We will be like this forever babe. So don't worry, k?'


Lance hadn't noticed this at first, but written over this was, in thin pen lines and all capitals, 'Lies!'.

"Broken promises," said Keith, rubbing his eyes as he got up and kneeled down in front of Lance. 'These words I thought were everything, were truly nothing at all...' His voice cracked and tears began to pour out from his eyes.

"Keith, don't cry! Please stop crying..."

Keith couldn't stop crying. At this point in time, that was impossible. Lance knew this. And Lance also knew he had to talk about Keith's feelings now. That is the only possible way this could end. Jesus, Lance thought. He thought he was a pizza delivery guy, not a flipping therapist.

Lance took a deep breath out and decided to face this head on. Keith was wiping his snot and tears all over his sleeves. Lance grabbed Keith snotty, petite wrists and placed them on Keith's knees forcing him to look into Lances blue eyes.

"Keith, although I was only here to deliver your pizza, I will help you to calm down and fix—whatever this is." Lance noticed how big Keith eyes were, like a child's.
Keith nodded, and again, started to sob.

"It-s oka-ay, th-thank y-yo-you." Lance, still holding onto Keith's wrists, stood up, pulling Keith up with him.

Lance stood awkwardly and Keith stared at him, tears still continued to stain his soft round cheeks. Lance took notice and patted his jean pockets. He got out a packet of traveling tissues and pulled out a tissue.

"Um, here."

Keith gently snatched the tissue from Lances hand. He is like a nervous cat.
"Shall we clean up the mess? My shift is over now so..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh, you know what, its fine. You can go home."

"Keith, it's okay. If you are feeling...ya know, depressed it's always good to have someo—"
"You are just my pizza delivery guy! Your not anyone important to me! So please, I'll give you the money and you can go home!" He said restraining himself from yelling.

"...you are right. Once again, that'll be 15 dollars." He rolled his eyes.

Keith frowned as he went to grab his wallet. He slipped out the money, Lance snatched it and left.

He felt happy he was finally out of that hell hole and away from that emo, yet he felt guilty. He had know people in those situations and he never ever got rejected when he said he'd help because he knew that they knew they needed it. But yeah. He was just the pizza delivery guy. He was nothing to Keith. So that's it, they will never meet again.
But Keith looked so lonely, so small and afraid.
Lance shook his head. He offered help and Keith rejected, they are strangers once again.
Or so he thought.
Notes: Thank you for reading! I'm looking forward to posting the second chapter soon. Please vote to let me know you actually want to read more and leave me feed back. ~ Rayne

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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