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When Skyler takes us home, Asher is sitting on the steps. I flinch a little and my hand starts to hurt. "So, you've come to your senses, then?" Dad asks, and Asher looks up at him. "Can you forgive me, dad?" He asks, and Dad nods. "I'm not the one who you need to apologize to, but I do forgive you. I'll make dinner while you two talk." He says, going inside. "Eden, look, I'm sorry for saying what I said, I know how much it can hurt people, and I'm sorry. I guess I was jealous, you and dad had already had a lot of things in common, and then you came out, and I was jealous because it was one more thing you guys could talk about, but then I realized that, I was wrong, could you ever forgive me?" He asks, and I hug him. "Of course, you idiot. You're my brother, I could never hate you." I say, and hug him. "So, we cool?" He asks, and I nod. "We're cool." I say, and he laughs. We walk inside and I smell the chicken Dad's cooking. "Can one of you come help? I'm a little tired." He says. I look at Asher, and we both nod. We walk into the kitchen. "We got this, Dad, go lie down, you've been working to hard, again." Asher says, forcing him to walk away from the stove. I walk over to the stove and finish cooking the chicken. I also start to make cream corn, and make a macaroni salad. "You're done?" Asher asks, and I nod. "I just got him to sleep, and I don't want to wake him." he says, and I nod again. I fix up a plate and so does he. "So, why'd you change your mind?" I ask, and he sighs. "Because I realized two things; 1, everyone's a little bit gay; 2, you're my brother, and I love you, no matter what." He says, and I smile. "Besides, I've seen you're smile here more then I ever did in LA." He says, and I take a bite of my corn. "So, when you said everyone's a little gay, what did you mean?" I ask, playing with my macaroni salad. "Well, I don't know what its called, but I think I like girls and guys, is that okay?" He asks, and I nod. "That means your bisexual, the loving of two different genders, that's what dad is, too." I say, and he nods. "Do you think I could sit with you at lunch tomorrow?" He asks, and I nod. "Can I ask you something?" I ask, and he nods. "What made you realize you were bisexual?" I ask, and he blushes, a lot. "Who's the guy with mint green hair?" He asks, and I'm shocked a little. "His name is Freddy Ricard, he's a senior." I say, smirking. "What?" he asks, and I chuckle. "You should ask him to the dance." I say, and he shakes his head. "I pushed him into lockers, he probably hates me." He says, and I look at him."I don't think it's possible for that boy to hate anyone, he's a huge flirt." I say, and we both laugh. After we're done with dinner, we go to the living room and put on Netflix. He looks at me and smirks, then he hits Coraline. I scoot closer to him. "I hate this movie." I mumble, and he chuckles. "I'll protect you from the Other Mother." He says, and I nod.
By the time the movie's over, I'm shaking, and don't want to go to my room. "You want to come to mine? I have a window." He says, and I nod. "I'll go get your pillow, blanket, and pajamas." He says, and I nod, heading up to his room. My phone dings, and I look at it.
🌄: Have a good night, Eden.
I have to laugh at how formal his texts are.
Me: have a goodnight, Skyler.
I hit send and shake my head. I head on up to Asher's room, and get on my phone waiting for him. A couple minutes later, Asher comes up with my blanket and pillow, and pajamas. "Here, ya go." He says, and I nod my thanks. "Can you get your pajama on by yourself, I know what today was." He says, and I nod. I stand up, but get really dizzy. "Here ya go, I got you." He says, helping me stand, and helping me take off my, Skyler's, sweatshirt. He puts on my black pajama shirt, and helps with my pants. When I'm in my pajamas, he puts my pillow on his bed, and lays me down. He covers me up with his blanket and mine after he climbs into bed. "You're going to be okay, Eden." He says, and I nod. "What she'd say this time?" He asks. "They're going to release her soon, and she wants me to go live with her." I whisper, and he nods. "I won't let that happen, Eden, I know what she did to you, and she'll never do that again." He says, and I nod. "People say we shouldn't be together We're too young to know about forever But I say they don't know what they talk, talk, talkin' about (Talk, talk, talkin' about) 'Cause this love is only getting stronger So I don't wanna wait any longer I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl Oh They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the "I love yous" But I bet you if they only knew They would just be jealous of us, They don't know about the up all nights They don't know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right." He sings, and I close my eyes as he continues, eventually falling asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night to my phone going off. It's Freddy. I climb over Asher, and go to the hall way. "Freddy, what's wrong?" I ask. "Trinity, she, she's not, oh, God." He says, and starts to cry. "Freddy, what is Trinity doing?" I ask him. "She's having a nightmare, but won't wake up." He says, and I nod. "Okay, I'll be right there." I say, "Stay on the phone with me. What is she physically doing?" I ask. "She's shaking, really bad, but not like she's having a seizure, just like she's scared." He says. "Alright, make sure there's nothing she can grab onto and hurt you or herself." I say, and here him agree. I go back into Asher's room and wake him up. "Eden?" He asks. "I need you to take me to Freddy's house, his little sister's having a really bad nightmare." I say, and he nods. "Eden, I did that, now what?" He asks. "Just make sure she doesn't hurt you, or herself, and keep trying to wake her up until I get that, I'm almost there." I say, once Skyler started his car and we're almost to his house. "I'm here, Freddy." I say, as we make our way to the door. He opens it, and we hang up. "I couldn't reach the others, and I know you have experience, I'm so sorry for waking you up." He says, and I shake my head. "Freddy, where is she?" Asher asks, and he leads us to her. "Okay. Trinity, you need to wake up, now." Asher says, and starts to shake her, she stops shaking herself, and then he begins to tickle HSR, and she smiles in her sleep. "Trinity, the cookie monster's going to steal your toes." He says, and she wakes up, and gasps. "What happened?" And Freddy hugs her. "God, you're okay. You're okay." He says, and I look at Asher. "The cookie monster's going to steal your toes?" I ask him, and he smirks. "It worked on you all the time, for whatever reason, you hated the cookie monster." He says, and I nod. Freddy looks at us, and then hugs Asher. "Thank you so much." He says, and Asher tentatively hugs back. I sit down with Trinity. "How you feeling?" I ask her. "A little disoriented." She says, and I nod. "It was about my dad, I don't have a lot of memories with him, but I remember that he use to yell a lot, and he'd hit mom and Freddy, he almost hit me, but Freddy pushed me outa the way and got hit instead." She says, beginning to cry. I hug her, and she hugs back. She pulls away and wipes her eyes. "Are they ever going to stop?" She asks, looking at Asher and Freddy, I laugh and they look at us. "So, do you want us to pick you guys up in the morning, for school?" Asher asks, and Freddy nods. I smile, and Asher stares at me. "Sure, that works for me." Freddy says, and I nod. "We should get home, then, see you guys tomorrow." Asher says, and we go to his car. He turns up the radio, and I fall asleep.

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