Chapter 3: How to Waste Time

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Quick Author's Note: This is a longer chapter! Read at your own risk!! Hope you enjoy~~

I woke up at six in the morning. I just couldn't sleep anymore! I am going to hang out with Yoongi-hyung. I got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face. I quickly got dressed. I made a simple breakfast. It was only 7:18 AM when I was finished with all of that. I decided to do the laundry. After I finished that, it was 7:43 AM.

Then I walked into my room. I drew for a while. When I looked back on the clock, it was 8:37 AM. My phone started to ring. 'Is it Yoongi-hyung?!' I quickly picked up. "Hey, Jungkookie! Want to go for a morning run?" It was one of my annoying hyungs, Jimin. "You disappoint me.." "Hey! You were the one who told me I should exercise! So I am dragging you with me! Meet me at my house in five minutes!"

After that, I hung up. I slipped on my jogging shoes. It was 8:59 AM when I got to Jimin's house. I rang the doorbell. "Hi, Jungkook. Do you mind if Taehyung comes too?" The other annoying hyung is coming too?! "I don't really mind.." "Yay!" a voice said from behind Jimin. "Come on Tae! We're leaving!!" Jimin said.

By the time we started running it was 9:18 AM. By the time we finished it was 9:54 AM because Taehyung had to pet every dog we saw. And there were quite a lot. I got home at 10:04 AM. I then decided to watch some TV. When I finished, the time was 11:45 AM.

I got hungry so I decided to have brunch (breakfast and lunch). By the time I finished brunch it was 12:11 AM. I played some video games after that. I got tired of playing, the time was 12:52 PM. I got ready. 'Finally! I have learned how to waste time..' I walked out the door.

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