Chapter 1

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"Daddy! SQUIRREL NOW!" Veruca yelled. Mr. Salt sighed and walked up to Mr. Wonka. "Mr. Wonka? How much for one of these rodents?" He asked. "They are not for sale, she can't have one." Mr. Wonka said, looking at Veruca and then back at Mr. Salt.

"SQUIRREL SQUIRREL SQUIRREL SQUIRREL SQUIRREL!!" Veruca screamed. Mr. Salt couldn't stand her screaming, "Just one squirrel, Mr. Wonka!" He begged. Veruca moved her father out of the way and went up to Mr. Wonka. "Just one little squirrel for little Veruca?" She begged, as she fake smiled.
Mr. Wonka said no. She had never been told no. "No!? NO ONE SAYS NO TO VERUCA SALT!" Veruca shrieked and ran into the nut room.

She went up to one of the squirrels and tried to grab it. Suddenly, they all started running towards her. "Daddy, what's happening!?!" She screamed in fear. The squirrels ran at her and started to attack. There was music playing in the background

"Veruca Salt! The deadly tot! She's always screaming, I want! I want!"  The music played as Veruca was attacked.

"HELP!" Veruca cried out while trying to run away. The squirrels dragged her away and started throwing her around like she was a chew toy. "DADDY HELP ME!!" She screamed as loud as she could.

Veruca kicked some of them off, but then she was picked up by more. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
She begged for help. The squirrels swarmed around her, she could barley see from all the commotion. They grabbed her once more and dragged her across the floor.

"Veruca! Daddy's coming!" Her father yelled. They pulled her towards the garbage chute. She was completely terrified, she tried to get away but they held her back. "DADDY! HELP ME PLEASE!" She screamed

Then just like that, they pushed her down the chute before she even knew what was happening. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she fell deeper and deeper.

After what felt like forever, Veruca finally landed in rotten garbage. "Ew! DADDY!" She screamed. It was so dark, she couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, she started to cry.

Her father landed right next to her after a few minutes. "Daddy?" She called out. They searched for each other. After so long, they got out. Not only was Veruca furious, she was still scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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