Chapter 1

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I woke up to cold all around and inside of me. The snow was everywhere. I tried moving my legs to get out out of it, but I was only able to move them a small amount. Panic started seeping in.

What if I can't get out? I don't want to die!

I moved my legs again but I was getting nowhere. I kept kicking while trying to move my arms, but I started tiring out. My panic was starting to come back full force.

Breathe. Let go. A small quiet voice whispered in my spirit. I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I began to get drowsy from the cold, and wearing myself out was only speeding up that process.

Come on, think! You've got to get out!

But before I could come up with any solutions, strong arms were yanking me out of the snow. I was leaning against my rescuer taking deep breaths with my eyes closed.

"Hey, you're okay now."

What am I? A child that needs consoling? I pushed myself away without looking at his face.

"Thanks for the assist," I snarled, "but I'm good now." I started brushing myself off and fixing my gloves.

"Excuse me?" My response to his "heroic actions" surprised him.

"You heard me, pretty boy." Still not looking at him.

"You know you could at least look at me if you're going to call me pretty." He came close and put his hand on my shoulder. "You don't even know if I am or not." He's good.

"Does that work on everyone you pull that with?" I grinned over my shoulder, without looking at him.

"Only the runners. Would you at least look at me so I know you're not hurt." I did a half-turn to him and saw his face for the first time. He was tan.

He spends a lot of time in the sun, even in the winter.

His hair was short, dirty-blonde, and he was clean shaven. He was dressed in black jeans and a dark blue sweater under a dark grey coat.

He takes care of his appearance.

I didn't make eye contact once.

"Well, at least you're not hurt."

"Why on earth do you think I can't take care of myself?" I snarled, finally meeting his gaze. His eyes were emerald green and all I could do was stare.

I know him.

He was so familiar. I could feel my mind searching for his name, but it couldn't quite grasp it. Like a forgotten word for an everyday object. Yet at the same time, he was an absolute stranger.

He stared at me in the same way. Like he knew me but didn't.

"Um," he blinked a couple of times, clearing his head, "what's your name?"

"Mindi." I answered clearing my own head. "And yours is?"

"Jake Molniya. Do you have a last name or is it just Mindi?"

My last name is...I don't know. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of it.

"Just Mindi." I answered calmly. Jake didn't need to know anything more than that.

"Well, Mindi, I would like to take you to a hospital to get you checked out."


"Great!" He held out his arm to me. "Shall we?"

"The gesture is appreciated, but I don't feel like walking like a couple."

"Whatever you say." He smiled and started leading the way.

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