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Ok i got a contest for you or something for yall that i need anybody who is a pro at editing and photoshopping no its not for instagram or anything like that and your probably wandering Makaela why dont you do it yourself well i need experts im not a pro like you guys are and also my laptop isnt working so if yall could be so kind and let me know if yall can do a couple edits for me and a photo of photoshopping for the people who does this and if people do...do it i can only pick one but i will post who done it and the edit and like for who all do it i will post the edit or pic and put there account name for wattpad with it and yall will have a shout out but for the winner i will give yall a long imagine and everything like that and i cant let yall know what its for...for a couple months cause where its a surprise:)♡♡ and if i happen to do the edits and pic a lot the list goes up to 10 people so yeah:) love yall and please tell people about this and share it and comment

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