One Week Before

21 1 4

Feeling numb, I walk through the halls to find the place Pj told me to meet him. He texted me before, saying he needed to talk. This never goes well in the movies. Hopefully it's different in real life.

"Hey Peej," I say, walking up to him giving him a slightly forced smile.
"Hey Dan.. listen we need to talk.. I, uh, we- ugh, Dan.. we need to break up."
"What!? I-I-I, I can, I can change!! I-I can! I can give you m-more space, I can hang out with you more. Just, what can I do!?"
"Dan," he said giving me a small, sad smile.
I continue panicking, my thoughts racing a thousand miles an hour. "Why Pj, why??"

"Dan!! Stop! Calm down! It's got nothing to do with you! It's all me, I swear to god Dan, just stop freaking out, you did nothing wrong, it was all me. Ok?"
"Ok," I breath. "Ok. Ok, I'll just, I'm going t- bye Pj."

It felt like I was walking in slow motion when I walked away from him, around the corner to bump into someone- Phil, thank god. I apologise to him, quietly laughing. He begins to chuckle lightly as well until he sees my face- watery eyes and flushed cheeks- and embraces me in a hug.
"Phil, what're you-?"
He sighs into my shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it now, or come to my place after school?"

God, he knows me so well, I think as I nod slightly and mumble something about going to his place. Phil let go of me slowly and held my shoulders for a moment and tilted his head slightly. He removed one of his hands and extended the other so it went around both of my shoulders and guided us to class.

The day went by in a bit of a blur, I only remember small snippets of conversation with teachers, a few of my friends and crying on Phil's shoulder after we'd left hell- school, I meant school.

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