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    I arrived at Willow Park high school where there was already a group of preppy rich white kids that stood by their cars like they were at a tailgate, the hipsters that are by the water fountain, the musicians that sat under the tree and played their guitars and so many more. The surprising thing was i fit right in with the rich preppy white kids however, I wasn't rich nor preppy. The musicians only cared about their guitars and the music that they were listening to instead of themselves and the others were straight up annoying. I got out of the car and walked to the school doors and went inside. There, i saw a lot of kids on their phones, walking around school, and eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

    "Hey! it's Rvy right?", one boy asked. I looked at him all stupid because not only i didn't know who he was, but the fact that he called me 'Rvy'. Like what the fuck kind of a name is Rvy? "First of all, it's Ivy and second, who are you?", i asked him. The boy was tall with dark hair and big brown eyes and dimples the size of a quarter. He wore a blue plaid shirt with dark blue jeans and snow white shoes. "I'm Marcelo", He said with a big smile. I stood there with my hands on my hips and showed a dull face. "I'm listening, what do you want?", i asked. He smiled more and then asked about myself. "What grade are you in?", he asked.

   "Why do you wanna know?", i asked. "I just want to get to know you because i see you around the halls and you don't really interact with people",  Marcelo explained. I eased up my defense and was calm. This boy doesn't seem to cause any harm to me whatsoever but i need some friends or else my mom and step-douche will send me to a group session to make friends. "I'm a senior", i said as i took my hands off my hips. "I am too", he said as he continued to smile. This guy seemed deadass serious about becoming friends with me. He should know that i love to skip and smoke so he better get use to my ways. 

    "Are you sure you want to be friends with me, Marcelo?", i asked him. He then pulled me in for a hug. I hate hugs especially when they're given by random dudes that i barely know. Even when i was a kid, i didn't like hugs. I felt cramped when i was given a hug. "I'm positive", Marcelo said as he released me.  "Okay, well, where do we start?", i asked him. "You never had friends before?", Marcelo asked. "Not really, i had friends back when i was a freshman but you know? shit happens", i said as i huffed. He then grabbed my hand and we walked to the cafe booth. He ordered me a iced caramel latte with 2 shots of espresso. 

    "Here you go", he said as he handed me the cold drink. I looked at the cup confused and then looked back at him. "What? you didn't want it?", he said. It's not that i didn't want it, it was the fact that i didn't know why he was being so nice to me. "No, this is fine. Thank you",  i said as i began to walk to the school doors. Marcelo then runs over to me and grabs my arm once again and pulls me to his body. "Where are you going?", he asked me. "you ask way too many questions do you?", i asked him. His eyes begin to dilate and grow big. His question was serious this time. "For real, where are you going?", he asked me.

      "I'm skipping first period", i said as i tried to take his hand off of my arm. He then loosens my arm and then stare into my eyes once more. "Why? Who's your teacher?", Marcelo asked. My first period teacher was my AP English teacher named, Ms. Brooks. Ms. Brooks was the most obnoxious teacher that nagged a lot about how bad of a kid i am and how i'm not going to make it anywhere in life. The thing about teachers is that they will also never make it in life neither. 

     Because in reality, their jobs are shitty and they have to deal with teenage students that are raging with sexual hormones and Immaturity. That my friends is what i like to call Odium. As soon as i told Marcelo who my teacher was, He released my now red arm and smiled. "Well, what are we waiting for? let's go", He said with joy. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the school doors. I didn't know my new friend skips. This made me feel happy and excited for what comes next. He was very Selcouth. A word meaning strange but yet marvelous. We went to my car and got inside. We drove to The beautiful city of Washington that my grandma grew up and loved called Seattle.  We drove down the street and spotted down my favorite restaurant, Olivi's.

Olivi's was a cafe and a bakery combined. It is also where a group of artists and poets perform their songs and poems about the town they grew up, the places they've seen and the girl/boy they loved. We went inside the fresh baguette-smelled café and sat at a table where it faced the stage. "I love this place", Marcelo said as he picked up his menu. "Me too", I said as my eyes blazed through the café. In the café were a bunch of hipsters and preps all either on their laptop typing away, having a few laughs or enjoying Seattle styled coffee and chatting away. The waitress walks up to the table and she interrupts my daydream.

"So what can I get you guys?", she asked as she gave a big smile. The waitress had a short afro, toffee like skin and a small patch of freckles that spread across her face. Not going to lie, she was pretty cute. "I would like to have a mozzarella cheese and roasted ham sandwich with a caramel latte", Marcelo said.  The waitress wrote down the order on her tiny notepad and smiled. "Okay, what about you?", she asked as her brown eyes stared into my soul.  "I would like-", I said. The entrance door chimed as a girl with a guitar walked in.

She had lime green shoulder length hair with a nose piercing and she wore a bunch of black. She walked over and sat her stuff on the sofa and took out her guitar and music. Soon, the waitress and Marcelo also began look at the punk-rock chick. "Oh, you're looking at Summer?", the waitress smiled. "Huh?", I asked. "The girl in the green hair is Summer", the waitress said once again. Summer was reading and humming the music. She looked so calm while she was reading. It kind of made me feel some type of way. The way she was just sitting there and reading her music was just so cute. "How do you know her?", I asked.

"She always comes here to perform so my boss decided to hire her as our matinee performer, so she would come at 10:30am and then she'll come here at 8:00pm", she explained. "She's really pretty", I said as I continued to stare at her. The waitress smiled at me and then look at Summer and then looked back at me. What is she planning? "I'll be right back!", the waitress said as she ripped a sheet of paper out of her little notepad and running over to Summer. "Is she going to tell that girl that you like her?", Marcelo asked me. I thought the same thing as Marcelo and I was feeling a little light-headed. I grabbed my things and left the café. I walked to my parked car which was 10 minutes from the café and got inside the car. I then hear a knock on my passenger window. I expected Marcelo to be the one knocking. But it was Summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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