I Cant stop

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When I come home you expect it to be a good environment all happy and whimsical cause that's me mostly well your wrong. (Screaming)Every day I come home something always go's  wrong. My parents fight alot and soon I'm being into it to pick a side but I Don't want to I don't want to pick a side. It's every day for me they fight and I'm always dragged in I have to pass back info cause there my parents I can't say no. If you saw me at home I would be in tears almost fill up a bucket of tears. That's why I'm so emotional at school and why I stress and cry alot cause there just so much in my head just like at home. I said it here cause I know I can everyone here that wouldn't tell my parents anyways thanks for reading I mostly did this to get most of it off my chest and if you see some one down ask first if they won't tell you still comfort them it really does make crybaby's like me alot better.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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