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                                                          I do not believe in love at first sight.

                          Pretending to be asleep, wrapped in not only the comfort of the familiarity of his cologne and laundry detergent his mom uses for sheets,but also in his arms. His bare chest moving against my face as he laughed at who knows what. With my eyes still closed, I consumed the features of his face . Under his dark hair were his defined but not thick eyebrows that framed those amazing eyes.Those eyes are what I'll admit I notice first every time, t hey're not just as blue as an ocean but even bluer and bluer than the sky on a clear day and bluer than any blue any artist has ever painted with and they aren't icey. They are more of a warm blue. A blanket of a blue, I was enwrapped in the warmth of the tone like a fire a foot away. Under the blue flames that kept me warm was this smile, not any smile. The most amazing smile.A soft smile he wore with his crooked teeth peeking through the lopsided edges of his lips. Perfect. It is so imperfect,it's perfect. I can't fathom a more perfect smile. A smile that's just as contagious. A smile that would have the same effect of overall joy as this one. A rollercoaster of a smile.The ups and downs may not be what's expected but none the less,happy during it all.

                     His sticky sweaty skin subtly strokes my cheek, so lightly it may as well been a gust of thick salty air. He's laughing. Not just any laugh, it starts as almost like a hysteria quickly and swiftly and turns into a deep belly chuckle, and ends with a sigh like he's relieved he got to laugh. In that instant I knew that feeling I had it was like the physical equivalent to not knowing a word but it being on the tip of your tongue so much so you can practically distinguish the flavor of the word as if you've been sucking on it like a gobstopper. My gobstopper was love flavored. I was in love with not only him but with everything about him from his kind eyes to the way his fingers wrapped around mine when we held hands, to even the way his voice would raise and and his broad shoulders would tense when we fought.This is why I don't believe in love at first sight, because I fell completely and utterly in love with my eyes closed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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