●○Request Page○●

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Hi there! Welcome to...

《Bubbles》 Cover Shop !!

Otome-chan's bored, so she decided to make this...


Anyways, if you want to request, comment down here on this chapter 👇👇👇 or else I might not accept your request.

Nahhhh just kidding. I'm not that mean. It's just that I can't read your comments (Filipinos struggling with free data ㅠㅡㅠ and that might lead to your covers being delivered very late) except if it's on the first chapter. So hope you follow! ^^

So, here's the form!


Subtitle (optional):

Author's Name / Pen Name:

Color Scheme:

Characters (and what anime they came from) / OCs (please describe them, but please avoid being too detailed/too vague) (or Kpop, hopefully...):


Light/Dark: (I mean if you want the cover to be pastel/cheerful or the dark/mystery/horror one)

Size: (Book Cover, Banner, Icon, etc (uhhh can you also give me the dimensions? Otome-chan's sometimes confused with the sizes)

Others (add-ons or anything you want):

I would add my watermarks though, I hope it's okay with you. ^^; And don't blur/erase my watermarks!

If you want to cancel the request, you can if I still hadn't posted your cover.

Please be patient as I am sometimes busy and I have no internet at home ㅠㅡㅠ

There's no payments here, but you can also freely vote! Thank you for advance if you did it ^^

Hope someone requests!! ^^

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