Chapter Six

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The door bell of the room rang.
Who might be here right now?

I went to check out the door. When I opened it, a woman clad in a white shirt, black pant and black apron stood in front of me. She was holding a tray which had huge dishes covered with lids which twice the size of the dishes.

"Your food ma'am. " she said politely, her voice coated in a thick British accent.

"Thank you. " I muttered doubting whether she heard it.

She entered the room and placed the tray on the desk. Once she went, I quickly grabbed a chair and uncovered the food.

My mouth watered, my tastebuds mingled, my expression turned from calm to greedy and my hands shivered.

Oh my god! This is looking like the best food present on the whole of the universe!

I knew the names of the dishes. I had heard them somewhere, but never tasted them.

According to my knowledge, there was- pasta, yoghurt, some sort of a soup, a salad of the costliest vegetables and a brownie. ....

I took a spoonful of the pasta tasting it's rich and creamy texture. So good.

I took a mouthful of the yoghurt. I felt like. ..... I had tasted this somewhere. It had that familiar homely feeling I don't know where I got from.

I brushed the thought away the moment my eyes landed on the brownie.

I took a morsel of it and closed my eyes enjoying the rich, sweet and smooth flavour.

After eating in my food I dropped myself on the bed. Just as I was going to fall asleep, a sort of a bell rang. It was not the doorbell, but it was coming from somewhere inside the room itself.

'Good afternoon Fly Higher Camp participants. I am Racquelle Black. I would be supervising you for  here. You have to follow the rules and regulations here.
I know you all are very happy because of the food we gave you'll. That is our responsibility to keep you happy. We know that you are all from a poor background and have never tasted any delicacies. Don't worry.  We will take care of ypu at our best. This announcement is for the attendance and selection of the category you want to select.
Tomorrow you all have to come in the campus and fill in the forms we give you.
And by the way, you can hear this announcement from the speaker attached to the right wall right beside the window.
Thank you'
A voice of a woman stated.  I glanced towards the window. A white speaker was attached above it. So that's where the voice came from.

I started debating on whether I should choose any art form or something like sports or something related to cooking.

After an hour of deciding, I decided to choose cooking. It is definitely something I would do well.

I am not that fit for sports; and art, I have never seen anything artsy before. So cooking is obviously the best option.


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