Niall Horan

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I watched as my beautiful soon to be wife walked down the aisle. I can't believe it. After dating for three years..I proposed. To be honest I didn't think she's say yes. I didn't think she was ready. I watched as Jocy approached me with her father linked next to her. He turned around to face her and lifted her veil and kissed her forehead and handing her over to me.

"Take care of my baby girl for me, Niall," he said, a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"Always Mr. Hernandez," I said. I lifted Jocy's veil, revealing her beautiful face.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Jocelyn," I whispered. She mouthed a 'thank you' and the ceremony started.

After the priest said all of the prayers and that, it was towards the end of the ceremony.

"Do you, Niall Horan, take Jocelyn Hernandez as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health? Through better or for worse? For richer or for poorer?" The priest said.

I sucked in some air.

"I do."

"Do you, Jocelyn Hernandez, take Niall Horan and your lawfully wedded husband? To have and go hold, in sickness and in health? Through better or for worse? For richer or for poorer?" he repeated.

She smiled.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride," the priest said. I smiled wide at Jocy and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her lips softly and passionately. The whole church cheered from excitement and happiness. I pulled away and looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

"You're a Horan now, sweetheart," I said. She smiled.

"I couldn't be anymore happier," she said. We walked out of the church and took a few pictures. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Liam and his girlfriend Selena, Louis and his girlfriend Imani, Harry and his girlfriend Sara, and Zayn and his girlfriend Victoria.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Selena squealed and engulfed me in a big hug. She did the same with Jocy. I laughed.

"Thank you love!" I exclaimed.

"The limos here! Come on!" Jocy said and grabbed my hand and we all walked into the limo. Zayn poured us all some champagne and Louis stood up.

"To the new wedded couple!! I wish you both the best and more to come!" Louis said, chugging his champagne.

"So who's next on the list to get married?" Harry asked, smirking.

"Um Selena and I are," Liam spoke, taking a sip of his champagne.

"What?!" we all yelled.

"Yeah!! He proposed! AHHH!!" She screamed and the girls screamed along with her.

"Wow I'm so happy for you guys!!" Imani said.

"So are we, congrats guys!" I said patting Li's shoulder. He smiled and pulled Selena close to him and kissed her head.


"May I please have your attention? I would like to make a toast," Liam said standing up, talking into the microphone. Everyone stopped talking and payed attention to him.

"Well Niall and Jocy, congrats! We are all so happy for you guys and we wish you both the best. Just don't have kids too soon," he said and winked. Everyone laughed.

"Niall you're my best mate and we've been through so much together. Being in One Direction, the laughs, the jokes, your eating habits. All of it was so much fun with you. Now you're married and we won't be seeing much of you. My little brother. Jocy is perfect for you. She loves you so much and you love her and that's all that matters. Jocy thank you for taking care of our little Nialler for us. He means a lot to us and we wouldn't want him with anyone else other than you. I love you both so much," Liam finished his speech as a few tears fell from him eyes.

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