Randell ( part 2 )

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Even though Dimitri held me that night I couldn't look at him the same way. I felt disgusted with my body and everywhere that man touched. I wear jeans and a jumper everyday now to cover my body. And I never wore anything that exposed my chest. The bruises were awful and made me feel ugly.
During my private training sessions I would wear jogging bottoms and a sleeved top. Yes it made me sweat more but I couldnt let Dimitri see the full extent of what Randell did.
That brings me to today. Its been just over a week and I was still an emotional wreck having nightmares every night and getting no sleep. I was walking to the gym for another session with Dimitri and I was really feeling tired and down. I had no motivation. As I walked in I wasnt met with Dimitri warming up already he was sat in a bench with his head in his hands. He looked up at me and I could see he had been crying. I took a seat next to him and looked at him in the eyes.
"Roza... Im so sorry he did this too you.. I cant help but blame myself for letting him into your life... I love you so much," he said through sobs. I put my arms around him and held him for the first time since the incident.
"Hey comrade Im fine. It was never your fault that he came here so dont dare blame yourself. I love you too but Im fine," I had to lie to him. I couldnt see him like this.
"Your not fine. You are getting no sleep that much is evident and your barely eating. You look like your dying and im scared that im gonna lose you to him. Please Roza tell me the truth. Whats happening to you?" He pleaded with tears falling down his face.  I started to tear up myself as I built up the courage to tell him.
"Comrade. I will be honest with you. I know I look like Im dying because you are right. Im not sleeping and I'm only eating enough to keep me going. The reason why is because I get these nightmare every time my eyes close. I get restless and wake up in a pool if my own sweat. I dont know what to do?" I cried. Now he has me in his embrace holding me as I cried. I ended up laying on his lap and kept crying until I drifted to sleep. My body giving into the exhaustion. But this time I wasn't met with nightmares. Instead I dreamt of the warm strong arms that held me as I sleep. The love and care they give me. It was the first time in which felt like forever that I slept soundlessly. I did get the odd moment of Randells face in my head but then I would feel the arms around me tighten slightly and it would all disappear.

She just broke down in tears as she unravelled the fact she wasn't sleeping due to nightmares that sick bastard left her with. I just held er as she cried. Slowly she laid down resting her head on my lap and I just stroked her hair soothingly and held her. Her cries started to fade and he breathing went to a steady calm pace. I could tell she had falling asleep due to mass exhaustion. I wasnt going to wake her if she had been that tired so I just let her lay there soundly.
It broke my heart that my one loge is broken inside because of my own blood. It makes me sick when I think back to that day and I saw him abusing her. I knew that after that day I will always protect her from everything and never let her get like this again.
She started to squirm in my arms and I knew it was the nightmares so I just held he tighter to reassure her she was safe and okay. And she would go back into a peaceful sleep.
I sat there for two hours just holding her and admiring her pure beauty. I loved this woman so much that it kills me to see her like this.
Roza started to wake up so I just helped sit. When she was fully awake she looked more relaxed and healthy.
"That was the first time I have actually got some sleep. Thank you comrade for holding me," she said quietly whilst leaning into my side. I wrapped and arm around her securing her to my hip.
"Roza I have an idea which Alberta may allow. Why dont I sleep in your dorm until you feel better. I will tell her im gonna be on the couch but if you want I can hold you at night." I said to her. Alberta knew of our special relationship and how we connected so I knew she would allow it. Plus she thinks of Roza as a daughter so will do anything to keep her feeling safe.
"Oh Dimitri that would be perfect. I could actually get sleep and be the normal me again," She said happily. That concluded my decision I was going to do whatever I can to get her back to the fun loving happy Roza that she was before Randell got hold of her.

I've decided this story will be a three parter.
Hope you enjoyed.

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