The strength of a secret artist

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She had a secret no one knew

Darkness covers her every night

Since she knew it wasn't right, she told.

Someone who wouldn't tell, someone who might could help

But she fell for him and all his tricks, to him she was just another kiss.

Through months of false hope and love, she secretly never quit.

With careful hands and careful thought, she would do what he thought she did not.

His threats to end what they had only made her demons laugh.

The marks across her gentle skin were hidden with her pretty smile.

No one knew until she broke, no more no more she cried with hope.

She told of her pain, she told of her cries.

Hopefully she could help the artist like herself who hide.

The ones who drew at night, some not so pretty sights.

She had to be strong to help them go on.

She distanced herself from everyone else, until a new boy came along.

Somehow they fell into each other's spell and happily they danced along.

He told her of the sad nights

when it didn't work and he couldn't leave, he couldn't fly.

She was glad to have someone who cared, until one day he walked away.

Away away with surprise, tears of course filled her eyes.

She hadn't cried in years, not even after all her fears.

Alone she decide was what she must do, to find herself, to again be true.

Each day and each night she struggled to find what was right.

The thoughts in her head she knew she must fight.

Strong she grew as she learned not to rely on others

Her happiness finally came from within.

Content with loneliness she always helped the ones who silently cried on the inside.

Strength she showed them all until one day she believed it herself.

She had some fun with someone new who wasn't good and didn't help.

He played with her heart and confused her thoughts, still she knew that she never could

A charmer he was, a player she knew, but she sometimes enjoyed the game.

With him we all know it didn't end well.

The one who was always there, she knew not truly how he cared

Her best friend from the beginning, who did not know her old trend.

On a whim of chance, he asked her father permission to take her to the dance.

Surprise approval brought them with glee as they soon began to plan the fling

They talked about the dance, but soon as if by chance, it led to questions of a relationship.

They soon agreed nothing serious, how fast their love grew is mysterious.

He learned of her secret but did not care,

he loved her still and helped her see That her beauty was all the she could be in his eyes

Months before him she had been clean, yet for the first time she felt free.

In the dark evil nights, she was no longer alone

For, when She looked up his hand was always shown.

Soon with time his own past showed

And she loved him even more for the troubles he was thrown.

Every moment they spent she was always surprised, by the care he gave her, by the love in his eyes.

She never more worried, he was always there

To pick her up, to carry her everywhere

When she fell, when she cried, when she no longer could hide The pain behind her eyes.

Her past pain soon turned to her new found joy.

Yes she learned how to live on her own, to no longer rely on someone

But that's the thing about love

It's true when they say it comes when you aren't looking.

I love you more each and everyday, please don't worry I'll always stay <3

He made it out of the friendzone, they broke the rules.

Because "nothing serious" changes when two hearts fall in love like fools.

The strength of a secret artistWhere stories live. Discover now