Meet SSE's Harbinger Staff

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Kim Namjoon (Editorial Writer - English, Korean/ Editor-in-chief/ Broadcaster - Korean, English/ Sci-Tech Editorial - English, Korean/ News Writer)

•Top 1 in whole of SSE (smart af)
•Destroyed Tae's camera twice
•Likes Jin... a lot
•Acts like a father to his friends
•Womanizer (although gay)
•Secretary of SSC (Supreme Student Council)
•Parents left him so he was left to fend on his own
•Witty and very philosophical
•"Life, as we know it, is-"
•"Shut the fuck up, Namjoon."

Kim Seokjin (Showbiz Writer - Feature, Editorial, News/ Broadcaster - Korean, English/ News Writer)

•a.k.a. Mr. Pink Kim
•Lowkey likes Namjoon but his pride is to high
•Liked him for years but won't admit
•The mother of the group
•Teacher's pet
•Member of TAC
•Decent grades (he doesn't really care about them that much)
•But don't underestimate a pretty face
•Uses his personal mansion as the boy's home

Min Yoongi (Sports Writer/ Poem Writer/ PhotoJourn/ News Writer/ Broadcaster - Technical)

•Known to be cold and unapproachable
•Team captain of school's basketball team
•Sweet as all hell in the inside tho
•Hoseok's fanboy
•Dedicated to writing since he was young
•Member of MGC (Music Geniuses Club)
•Excellent grades (he sleeps through classes and still somehow tops almost everyone)
•Parents doesn't support his music and writing career
•The only one that believes in eternal love, despite his tough image
•Kyeopta all the way

Jung Hoseok (Feature Writer/ Sports Writer/ Poem Writer/ Broadcaster - Korean)

•Ball of sunshine (as expected)
•Lead dancer in SDA (Student Dancer's Association)
•Good grades (he studies well)
•Friend of all with supportive parents
•Too supportive parents
•An accidental hopeless romantic
•Observant and caring
•Lovable family background, lived his childhood with fun and love
•Can be sassy if he wants to (no one can be called a student of SSE until they've seen this side of his)
•Everyones love adviser

Park Jimin (Editorial Writer - Korean/ Feature Writer/ Editorial Cartoonist/ Broadcaster - Korean)

•Walking white mochi
•He gets picked a lot because of his height
•Supporter of Yoongi
•Cares about everyone
•Excellent grades (help of Yoongi and Leah)
•Main dancer in SDA
•Has a nick for pretty boys... even if he is one already
•Nice boy in the streets, Daddy on the stage
•Uncoordinated feelings is his worst enemy
•Subject of Jungkook's camera 24/7

Kim Taehyung (PhotoJourn/ Entertainment Writer/ Editorial Cartoonist/ Broadcaster - Korean)

•Out-of-this-world behaviour and looks
•Has passion at whatever he does, especially when he gets serious
•Barely-hanging grades (he doesn't study but listens attentively)
•Member of TAC (Theatrical and Artist's Club)
•An introvert and extrovert at the same time (author forgot the word for that)
•Parents disowned him for being gay
•Converts his sadness to art
•Was pulled to Harbinger by Jimin, his bestfriend

Jeon Jungkook (PhotoJourn/ Entertainment Writer/ Broadcaster - Korean)

•Pretty boy (but everyone is a pretty boy as well so...)
•New member of Harbinger
•"Golden Maknae" or "That creepy but handsome guy that takes pictures everywhere"
•Excellent grades (except for math, so he sticks to Namjoon and Leah)
•Singer, dancer, and certified international playboy
•But is shyer (is that a word?) than shy when around people he doesn't know or uncomfortable with
•Can't even take a decent picture unless Jimin is in it
•Lastly, possessive as fuck

Leah Rodrigez (PhotoJourn/ Editorial Writer - English, Korean/ Feature Writer/ Sci-Tech Writer/ Editorial Cartoonist/ Entertainment Writer/ Poem Writer/ Broadcaster - English, Korean)

•Transfer student from the Philippines
•Colder than Yoongi at first impression
•Sweeter and kind in the inside if close to someone
•Girl counterpart of Jungkook when it comes to being golden
•Mysterious as all hell
•Feared by many, should be feared by many
•Top 2 in whole of SSE (she just gives Namjoon a chance)
•Cares for the boys and everyone that should be cared for
•She's no joke, seriously
•Music genius
•Member of too many clubs
•Best at everything (except for handling feelings, what did you expect)
•Probably a goddess or something

Choi Minho (PhotoJourn/ Sports Writer/ News Writer)

•Lesser member of Harbinger
•Pretty boy, shy boy, good boy,
•Member of TAC
•Crush of Leah (mild only)
•Everyone's love life adviser (aside from Hoseok)

DabDab (Entertainment Writer)

•Walking Meme
•*dabs out*

Kim Jongdae and Kim Joonmyun (Editorial Writers- Korean/ Editorial Cartoonists/ News Writers)

•Blessed brothers in terms of looks, brains, voice, and memes
•Them and their group, Exo, is Leah's bodyguards

SSE (Seoul School of Excellence)
- One of the most prestigious schools in Seoul
-Their school publication club is competative as all hell
-Even the principal is a meme

SSC (Supreme Student Council)
-SSE's student government
-"Priviledge is a virtue that should not be easily given"

TAC (Theatrical and Artist's Club)
-Club of actors, singers and art enthusiasts
-Takes charge of the stage appearance and event lay out whenever events such as Summer Fest, Winter Fest, Foundation Anniversary, etc. is on going
-Club of very delicate people... well, most of them are
-Artists loves this club because they provide the materials they need

SDA (Student Dancer's Association)
-An association of dancers from SSE, current students or alumni combined
-Enters national and international competitions
-Basically, a dancer's family for a lifetime

MCG (Music Geniuses Club)
-Blame the name of the club to Yoongi since he changed it since he joined
-Takes care of the sound system and sound production if there are any events happening in school
-Musicians from this club compete in different competitions inside and outside South Korea

CHA (Chef's Haven Association)
-Kind of works like SDA but for chefs and food enthusiasts
-Like other clubs, they compete in different cooking events all over the country
-Takes care of the food and beverages if there was any event that needed food catering

ACE (Academics Club of Excellence)
-Where the rest of the smart kids go if they're not in any of the other clubs
-Association of genuises
-Takes charge of events such as Spelling bees, School Quizes, etc. (Only the officers are allowed to host)
-Most students are in this club

BLC (Book Lover's Club)
-The name of the club says it all

Service Team
-All of varsity players are in this team
-Takes charge of guiding and hosting sports games of the students in SSE
-Cool kids but nice in the inside


A/N: This story is inspired of my school's publication club and most of the plot is made up, some are not. Please don't hate.

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