Just give me a chance.

8 1 0

Thomas was pacing around in his room biting his lip, "I can't get this video done, it's going to be late AGAIN!!" Thomas grips his hair in annoyance, Joan puts a hand on his shoulder, "Thomas, it's alright! They will understand" he says.

"I know!! But I been doing this to often!! What if they don't this time!?" Thomas panics, Tylan looked at him concerned, "Thomas, your fans are understanding, you need rest.. You've been up for 48 hours straight, that isn't healthy.." They say.

"I can't!!! It needs to be finished today!! I-I promised them!!" Thomas exclaims.

"No, Thomas. You need sleep." Joan tells him.

Thomas shakes his head, "no, I can't sleep at a time like this!" He says, "this video.. I can't have it wait."

Logan pops from the ground as well as Virgil, "Virgil! Would you stop being so panicked!! Thomas needs his sleep"

Virgil had tears streaming down his face, breathing heavily, "S-Shut up L-Logan!" He glares towards the Logical side.

Logic puts a hand to his temple, rubbing it in annoyance, " Virgil, calm down" he says, trying to be calm.

Patton pop up into the room, "Kiddo! It's going to be alright! Just calm down" Patton says, trying to help Logan.

This only seemed to cause more panic, "How!! People are going to judge us for being late! This is the second video in a row that we have been late! Sure people except it now!! But what happens when we keep delaying videos over and over!? What will they think then!?" Virgil asks.

Tylan and Joan looks at Thomas worried, "Thomas, it's going to be Okay" Joan says to his friend, Tylan nods in agreement, they watch as the two sides try to comfort the Anxious side.

"That won't happen!! This happens sometimes Virgil!" Patton proclaims, "Exactly, there isn't a reason to be so worked up about this, Thomas' fans understand! And of course there will be those few people who don't! But there is more people who Understand then don't" Says Logan.

Virgil lays his head against the back wall, a headache starting up, although he was seemingly getting better.

Thomas let's out a deep sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

Joan looks around the room, examining it, "Where's Roman?" He asks.

Logan also takes a look around, "that's... Weird.." He says, "Normally Roman would be the first one to pop up and help Thomas" Logan hums.

Patton eyebrows squinted downwards worriedly, "I'll go check on him" He says, sinking downwards.

Patton's p.o.v

"Roman? Kiddo.. Where are you!?" I question out loud, I stared at the red ribbons that decorated his walls, as well as all the drawings that Thomas had used to draw as a child. Trophies and Ribbons lined against the wall in a perfect order, labeled from youngest to oldest A-Z.

A red carpet laid on the ground, eagerly waiting to be stepped on, as it looked brand new. A sword collection was pinned to the wall underneath the trophies from smallest to biggest.

It was surprising that Roman was actually pretty tidy considering that he is usually reckless and arrogant most of the time.

And that's coming from my mouth.

Though I can't personally say much since I usually say what I have on my mind or Heart, as some would say, "hehe."

I traveled up the stairs and walk to Roman's door, I pull my hand into a fist and knock lightly, yet loud enough to gain his attention if he was in his room.

I could hear a light tamper of feet coming to the door. As the door opened I could see Roman rubbing his eyes and yawning slightly, his face was a dark red and there were slight begs under his eyes, I gasped slightly.

"Roman what happened?" I question worriedly, he blinks a bit and takes awhile to take in my words, "Oh." Roman leans against his door post and puts a hand to his hair flipping it slightly, smirking, "Why nothing is wrong my dear Patton, I just happened to sleep i-" as he was talking his body decided to interrupt him by making him sneeze, adorably might I say.

"Awww" I coo, Roman puts a hand to his head, pushing his bangs up and closing his eyes slightly groaning.

"Roman, I doubt that you are feeling alright.. You sound like your in pain.." I try to talk him into actually telling me what's wrong, though as stubborn as he is, he pushes away my words and walks past me, "Patton I'm fine! Don't worry about it!!" He grins.

I become even more concerned at this point, Roman starts to walk out of his room and to the kitchen that all sides share, such as Logan, Roman, Virgil, and myself, however we are just the main sides, there are obviously more such as, Pain, Fear, Determination, and to many more.

I take Roman's hand and then quickly unleash from it, "Owch!!" I say as his hand was burning hot.

Roman whips around and looks at me, grabbing his own hand, his eyes widened in fear and shock, flashing in between Chocolate brown to Dark green, his breathing went uneven and he started to cough slightly, sounding like he had tried to hold it in for a few hours.

I froze and stared in fear not even noticing the tears running down my face.

Roman's P.O.V

I whipped my head around to see Patton gripping his hand crying as if his hand was on fire. My vision slowly started to darken as I could feel my eyes turn into a dark red. I could also tell that my fever getting worse as I started to cough loudly. I looked up and seen that Patton was staring in fear at me, that urged me to yell at him, but I knew that was only because I have changed into my other side... Unfortunately. It only happens when I become sick and Someone touches me, I don't know why it only happens when I'm sick but it does.

It almost makes me seem as if I'm.. The villain... Only Virgil knows about this since he was the only one to ever witness me being Sick before. I tried to reach out to Patton and try to calm him down, however he backs up crying louder.

My vision brightens signaling that my eyes were back to normal, I come closer to Patton but he quickly sinks down, "Patton!! I'm sorry!" I cry out, but he was already gone, I could feel my heart pound in my chest as I have known that I have just hurt Patton.


~Chapter End~


Idk Dudes I just thought since I have NO WIFI ATM!! I GOTTA MAKE A SANDER SIDES FANFICTION!! So this is just made of random Components of my creativity. Idk if I'll continue but maybe I will :3 I am a very laid back person and I'm also LaZy





Anyways tell me if you want more!! I might just make a few more chapters

And I wasn't intending to do Roman X Patton

Idk the ship name XD

Patton X Roman

Again this was all on the top of my head.

This was just supposed to be a one-shot but I just couldn't keep writing after that.

I mean we could also Roleplay where that left off

Tell me what y'all want. Idk

Ya boi Daniel OUT!!

-originally made this on TS amino-

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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Just give me a chance.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ