School Sucks (Not a Chapter... Again)

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So you may have been wondering.

"It's been nearly two months and no one has uploaded anything, what's going on?"

We kinda took a hiatus without realizing.

Part of me wants to apologize, however we keep apologizing, and well... don't keep up with the updates.

We haven't given up on Victuri Class.  Rohana and I love this story so much and we have so many ideas and so much to write.

In case you guys don't know, Rohana and I are in the IB program.

Technically, it's a junior and senior program, but we are in a freshman and sophomore program that preps us for IB.

To summarize IB, it's a bunch of hard courses with the same GPA weight as easier courses (for example, IH Chemistry is harder than Honors Chemistry but both have a GPA weight of 4.5 if you max). 

On top of that, for some reason the jump from freshman to sophomore year was a lot bigger than I anticipated.  I'm not sure how Rohana feels, but I was expecting 10th grade to be very similar to 9th grade, and boy was I wrong.

If during 9th grade we could upload once a month, imagine how much time it would take to upload in 10th grade.

That's just my reason for being on hiatus, it's by no means an excuse.  

The good news is I think I've got the hang of things.

Because things are winding down for the end of the first grading period, and my eSchool is going to finish in like 4 days, after that I plan on getting back to updating Chapter 6.

I think Rohana has worked on it a little bit since school started, but I'll definitely get to writing it by max next weekend.  I've got a couple of tests going on then, but hopefully I can start working during the school week and not the weekend.

Remember, you guys can talk to us on Instagram (@creppy.forst.coran for me and @voltron_umbreon_victuri for Rohana).  I've been semi-active on there because in my mind I can't work on something big like a fanfic unless I know I have a good amount of time to work on it.  Because of school I only have snippets of free time and I usually spend that on my instagram or the Voltron Discord Server we're in (although Rohana's never active on it, smh 😤🙅)

If you are still here and excited for things to get back into motion, omg!! I can't believe anyone would try to stick around for that long, and I just :DDDDDDD thank you!!!! so much!!!!!

Now, we gotta talk about Voltron Season 4.

If you haven't watched it yet, then you can stop reading here.  However there is an underlined sentence at the very end of this so you should skip to the end before leaving. I love all of y'all and have a lovely day ~<3






My first thoughts:


I got up at 2 AM just to watch it, even though I had a test today which I think I did pretty sucky on 😅😭

I believed almost every theory out there about season 4 and honestly the only correct one was Narti getting hurt.

Just the entire Lotor situation left me shookeithed.  Sure, I expected him to fight agaisnt his dad but killing Narti??? His generals betraying him??? literally saving every good guy at the end???? 

Just imagine how Keith must've felt - If he had killed Lotor earlier, then he wouldn't be alive.

Which brings me to Keith.

I love all the paladins, but I'm a Coran and Hunk stan.  Seeing Keith be gone like 99% of the time made me kinda sad (especially because Klance) but like,,,, I stan Blade of Marmora AU's way too much and seeing Keith in the BoM made me so happy!  On top of that, Keith gets way too much backstory, so Keith being gone was supposed to be an opportunity for the other paladins to grow.

That kinda happened.

Pidge and Allura got the most for sure, followed by Hunk and Shiro.

Pidge and finding her brother was the most intense thing ever.  Like I legit thought Matt died, then I remembered the Voltron leaks of Shiro fighting with Matt and realized that he can't be dead.

But what kinda person puts their coordinates on a grave???

And what kinda person makes alluratt more canon than shatt???

I was expecting the gayest reunion (c) but instead got Anime Matt flirting with HomeBoy's girl and peeving off said HomeBoy, and proceeding to give normal friendly hug to long lost friend.

Dang was I dissapointed about Shatt

But everything about that scene was 100000000/10000000 

Which brings me to Allurance.

I think Allurance is going to be end game.

Okay okay now hear me out-

I love Klance.  It's really great and all.  But I personally do feel that we tend to blow up the littlest of things when it comes to Lance and Keith interacting in any way.

Yes, we've had them encouraging each other and all, especially S3, but it hasn't been consistent.

I've really seen a steady development of Lance and Allura's relationship with each other, pretty much since Season 1.

And S3 may be Klance season, but don't forget how Allura talked Lance into riding the Red Lion.

She ALSO put her hand on his shoulder, but no one talks about that, do they?

In regards to Lauren's? words on Lance needing someone who's sure about themselves, I really do believe Allura is more sure of herself than Keith. AND She does a better job of reassuring Lance than Keith.

Most of Allurance's moments were flirty so like the "dropping hints" seems to apply a lot more to them.

That doesn't mean we're making Allurance canon in this fic.  Klance all the way 😤✊💪

A lot of people didn't like Season 4, but I really did.  I enjoyed all of the Galra moments, Pidge, and even Voltron on Ice.  I am also officially a Bii-Bo-Bi stan.  As a kid's show it gets quite serious which I highly appreciate.  We can't really get darker themes and ideas because then it wouldn't be age appropriate for like 7 year olds anymore, so I think it's as good as it gets.

Shiro bonded with Black again.  Does that mean he's not a clone?  I'm not sure.  We didn't get ANY evidence of Kuron this season so we'll see.

Also, Hunk slayed in this season (except in the performances which he was treated as a joke which made me so disappointed in Coran) which just made it all the better.

I know this isn't your typical fangirl rant with all of the "KHJFPFSDJNBAKDOXICHJSNJKOIJHF OHHHHH MY GOD DID U SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY BOI KEITH ASDOPIJHBDSKOIFHBJWOIHBJQWIH HE'S SO HOT IN HIS BOM SUITS HAERJIOPUHBESDOIPVBJHFNS MEWKLPOIFBJHNDMLKODFIJBNMDLWKE[POFJKBNFML;gfdg" but because I'm the only person in my friend group who has watched it, I want to legitimately share my feelings and have an informative discussion on season 4.  Also all of my screenshots are on my phone so I can't put any on here at the moment.

So comment down below how you felt about season 4? Which parts do you agree or disagree with me on?  If you're going to comment about S4, please start your comment with, "Voltron S4 Spoilers," so others know to skip those comments. I'm working on the computer right now so I'll be able to respond to any comments.

see ya~

P.S: Someone told me the Yuri!!! on Ice Movie was coming out in February and I REALLY HOPE SO

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