Chapter Two

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It wasn't too long of a trip from the hospital to the apartment building where Mist was going to be staying. Lee led the way inside, holding the doors for the smaller boy.

After talking the receptionist for a moment, Lee accepted the room's key and turned to go back to where he'd left Mist by the front door, only to almost run straight into the pale boy.

"Would it kill you to make a little noise when you move?" Lee made sure to keep his unease from his voice, though he couldn't seem to make himself look into Mist's eyes.

The white-haired boy stared at Lee's face and slowly brought up one leg, deliberately bringing it down with enough force to make a dull thud.

With a sigh of exasperation, Lee led the way down a hall to Mist's front door, trying to ignore the exaggerated thud thud of Mist's footsteps. Looking back, Lee saw Mist walking forward with his head down and brow furrowed, the boy making an obvious effort to have every step audible.

"Um... We are here."

Mist looked up and blinked, absentmindedly straightening his scarf. He took a step forward and then froze, his whole body going rigid. His eyes glazed over and he shuddered, breath starting to speed up. His face lost what little color it had and his eyes darted from one point to another, like he was watching some horrific fight play out, but the hallway was empty save for Lee and Mist himself.

Lee stepped forward, concerned. Was he having a fit? "Um... Are you okay?" He started to reach out for the boy when Mist's eyes suddenly cleared and locked onto Lee. Grabbing Lee by his chunin jacket, Mist hauled him off his feet and half-dragged half-led him back down the hall.

"What are you-?!" Caught off guard, Lee had been caught and dragged a few feet before he wrenched himself away. "What is wrong with you?"

Mist didn't answer, he just lunged for Lee again, grabbing his arm and attempting to haul him away. Lee stiffened his legs and held his ground, watching in confusion as Mist strained to pull him away, putting his whole body into the effort of moving the ninja.

"What is wrong? Why do you not want to-"

The sound of wood exploding and the heavy thud of a body against a wall interrupted Lee and he turned to see Gai Sensei picking himself up from the shattered rubble of Mist's front door.

"Gai Sensei?"

Gai coughed and, snarling, threw himself back through the doorway, bits of wood hanging from twisted hinges. Mist pulled at Lee again and this time Lee let himself be tugged away, the sound of shouts and metal on metal reaching his ears. He wanted to help his Sensei, but... Mist was his mission and he had to protect him above all else.

More uncertain than ever about this green eyed boy, Lee led the way down the hall and back out the front doors, Mist clinging tight to his sleeve.

"Already?" Tsunade blinked in surprise. She looked Gai over, the man was covered in cuts, bruises, and debris, and nodded slowly. "Very well. Since that's the case, I have no choice but to send all three of you away. Stay on the move and don't make yourself obvious, Gai. It is imperative that Mist stays hidden while another team tracks down and eliminates the threat."

Lee stood behind his Sensei, listening to the Hokage's words. He hadn't been planning on leaving the village any time soon, but sudden changes in plans weren't exactly rare for a ninja. He wondered if he would be allowed to go home and pack a few things. Mist was standing a foot or two away, staring silently at the ground, small hands hidden in his sleeves. Despite the reasonable distance between them, Lee still felt like they were standing too close. Like all he had to do was turn his head to be nose-to-nose with Mist, unable to see anything but soft white hair and bottomless green eyes.

His focus was so fully trained on not looking over, that when he glanced up at Tsunade again, he found the woman staring at him expectantly. He shifted awkwardly and said, "I am sorry. I was not paying attention."

Tsunade sighed. "Well, at least he's honest. I asked if you were fine with leaving right away. Time is of the essence after all."

"Oh. Um. Yes ma'am. That is okay." Lee looked back down at the floor and mentally shook himself. Uhg. I really need to stop spacing out like that.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Gai picked him up and tucked him under his arm, carrying him like luggage. "Sensei!" Lee kicked his legs in a weak attempt at escape. "I can walk myself!"

"Well, you weren't, so I took matters into my own hands. Think you can stay out of your head long enough to make it to the front gates?" Gai's voice was gently teasing and Lee smiled despite himself.

"Alright, alright, I get it, I'm here now. Put me down please?" Gai set Lee back on his feet and the two walked side by side, with Mist trailing silently behind.

And once again, Lee found himself walking through the village, constantly glancing over his shoulder to see if the pale boy still followed, or if he had simply vanished, burned away without a trace like the mist for which he was named.

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