Chapter 1 - New School

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Max started the morning to a halt, his alarm going off loudly and obnoxiously. The Alarm clock on his crappy cell phone buzzed as the sun drifted through his window. With a groan, Max turned off the alarm and pushed himself up. 'First day of a new school, how great.'

He glanced around at his surroundings, his eyes meeting the crummy bedroom that has bare walls and nothing in it, only the mattress he slept on and some draws for his clothes. He reaches to the bedside for his glasses and puts them on, pushing himself up. 

Max lazily trudged to his draws, grabbing the school uniform that was on top of it. He ran his hands over the draws, once feeling the clothes, he picked up the shirt and stripped, getting into his black skinny jeans with tears in the knee area, a black binder, yellow shirt and his blue oversized hoodie that covered his skinny frame. With a stretch he trudged out the room, his parents weren't home so he couldn't care less. 

With a stumble into the bathroom, he brushed his hair back into a bun as he pondered of the new school. Would the school be like his old one? Full of assholes and bitches. While looking as his figure in the mirror, he noticed the back under his teal eyes. He scowled, he slept last night and quite well, why the fuck did he have bags under his eyes? 

After he decided he looked presentable, he grabbed his phone off charge and pulled his heavy backpack on. He hopped down the steps, two at a time and went into the kitchen to grab an apple. The house was dusty, obviously not getting tended to enough. Max yawned, rubbing his aching arms. Once he was ready he left the house and went to the bus stop. 

The bus stop was busy which some students, some catching his eye. One wore a yellow shirt and a black vest, he had a top hat and was showing a couple girls a trick, the girls having blue, pink and blonde hair. They look like basic bitches and mean girls, so he ignored the other students while he popped his headphones. He was still quite short, being 5'5, so he was at the height of most of the girls there. Some being shorter and a couple taller. It pissed max off to no end. 

Eventually, the school bus came, it rumbling as it stopped at the stop and opened its doors. The Students around him piled on and he follows as the last student, having to stand since there were no more seats. 

Some other students were staring at him, whispering to each other. The ones whispering caught his eye, the girl had turquoise hair put into two side braids and pink eyes and red overalls with an orange shirt. The boy next to her also had glasses, an undercut with curly brown hair and a yellow turtle neck. Suddenly they were waving him over, and he blinked. Him? Were they calling him?

Max pointed to himself, and the girl nodded. He walked to the seats they were sitting and they moved across. He pulled off his headphones, "Hey?" He started. The girl smiled big, "Hey! You must be the new kid! I'm Nikki, and this is Neil," he gestures to the nerdy looking kid next to her, he waves a little. 

Max nods but kept his scowl a little, "Max." he said simply and Nikki nodded, "You can spend time with us at school if you want." 

Max frowned, he didn't entirely trust them. "I guess." he replied and pulled his headphones on. He noticed the ways Nikki and Neil glanced at each other, but they shrugged soon enough and continued talking to each other. 

Max didn't trust them yet, something felt off about them. Though, he didn't trust anyone. The bus halted to a stop and the students started piling off, which he assumed that they arrived at school. He stood and shoved off quickly, the bus driver setting him off. The bust driver looked like 100 years old, which a bit white moustache and a hook. 

The bust driver glared at the students as they hopped off, he looked like he was plotting someone's murder. He heard around the students that the bus driver was called Quartermaster, so he noted that and walked up the steps to the school.

I Hate Play Rehearsal | Maxpres CC FF Highschool AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora