The Time Has Come

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Isabella will turn 30 years old in 2 months, and like most women she knows, it's a scary time, but those women have one thing she doesn't, someone to spend that day with. A love that's better than pizza with cheese (and not all the crap people put on it) after a great swim on the ocean. 

Her career isn't the best either, she studied to be a journalist, thinking that it could be her back up and one day be a published writer by Penguin Random House, because she wanted to be editor buddies with Isabel Allende and Stephen King. But comming to terms with her birthday also means she needs to lower her expectations on those pesky dreams of being a writer. 

But one thing at a time, she had to fuck some random guy for practice, it was clear that Mr.Darcy wasn't comming to her aid, also she didn't want him to help her, she just wanted to literally fuck him, while of course he talked to her in that beautiful old proper english. 

She had the list of what she wanted in a man, after a bad break up with a guy in her teens that can't really count as a break up, because he was nothing in her life, but still. The items on her list got crossed off one after another to the point that the list only read: 

- Needs to be a reader. 

- Has to have movies and tv shows he loves, and it doesn't matter if I hate them. 

- Has to have his own life, his own passions (I don't want a needy guy following me around like a puppy). 

- Must love dogs (that movie sucks I know but I really love dogs, if the situation was good I could be persuaded to a cat). 

And that's it, you might thing "wow this chick sounds crazy demanding" but there were 20 items on her list. 

One day over coffe with her friend Ricky they were going over her "list" and he revealed something everyone tells her. 

Isabella I am your friend and I love you but you need to know that from a list you won't find a man, you'll only keep dreaming about banging Mr. Knightley on your coffe table while he talks in the most annoying english ever. - He told her after putting more vodka on his "tea".

You never listen to me! the fantasy is that Mr. Darcy is making love to me in a perfectly comfortable bed while whispering into my ear, the most dirty things in that ever so charming english we should all be talking. Isabella answered angry while pointing to the clock on top of the door that stated that it was 10 am therefore way to early to be mixing tea and vodka. 

You are not my mother Izzie! plus it's the only way I can deal with your frustrated sex life. - He told her doing his best "Jim from The Office looking at the camera" face. 

Let's go out, maybe I'll get the courage and fuck some stupid drunk to get this over with. Just know that if he murders me it's your fault. - She told him sarcastically. 

Why my dear Izzie that doesn't sound like a bad idea, and I'll protect you with my life, in fact I'll be there reciting those awful words in that old boring english you love so much, so you would get the perfect first fuck. - Ricky told her with his own sarcasm. 

After they agreed on a place to go they left the diner, but Isabella left her purse on a chair so she went back to find a brochure tuck inside it, for a company that claimed to find your exact match, the waiter had written inside it "even one that fills every single one of those 20 items you used to have on your list"

Izzie got scared at first but she thought there was no harm in trying it out, plus the idea of telling her future daughter that her first time was with a drunk in the alley behind a bar while her uncle Ricky shouted lines from "Pride and Prejudice" was not attractive to her. 

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