eleven; again.

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Still in a deep bliss I call sleep, I was less than happy to be shaken awake.

Groaning, I pushed the hands shaking my body away and flipped to the other side, covering myself with my blanket.

Now, back to my dream...

Before I could fall back into my dreams, I was once again flipped over. This time, shaken even more forcefully.

"Wake up! You're late!"

Cracking an eye open, I squinted at the annoyed girl standing before me.

"What are you doing here, Meg? So early in the morning?"


Eight? Wait. Classes start at 8.15.

"WHAT?" Sitting upright, I immediately got up, throwing the covers behind me.

Brushing past Meg, I hurried over to my bathroom, quickly washing up. Afterwards, I opened my closet and sighed in frustration at the messy pile on the floor.

I'll just clean it up later.

Digging through the pile, I flung clothing over clothing, trying to look for something decent for the first day back to school.

Finally, I put on a casual graphic shirt, black yoga pants and pulled on a pair of black combat boots.

Not bothering with my hair, I pulled it back into a messy bun.

Dashing out of my room, I raced towards the dinning table, grabbing the first edible thing I could see-an apple.

I took a bite out of it while taking my bag off the dining table, slinging it over my shoulder.

"Come on, Meg! We're late!"

Leaving out of the house, I unlocked my car, getting into it and starting it up. On instinct, I pulled it out of the driveway and went straight for the school...

...only for me to remember, halfway there, that I left Megan behind.


"Look, I'm sorry, Meg! I just kind of forgot-"

"You forgot your best friend and left her running to school."

"It wasn't that much of a long run-"

"I took fifteen minutes to get here and when I went into class, panting, I see you, happily chatting away with Caleb."

I tried to argue back by my stubborn best friend refused to acknowledge me. For a right reason, too.

"Look, I'm sorry. Okay? How about I owe you? Two favours?"

She didn't speak for a minute before glaring at me. "Four favours. No less."

"Fine." I groaned. She was so going to get back at me. Counting in the favours I already owed her...I was dead.

"Now, let's go to lunch, shall we?" Beaming, Meg linked my arms into hers and skipped towards the lunchroom.

I sighed at her odd behavior.

Entering the crowded room, buzzing with talk, we took a seat at one of the corner tables, taking out or lunch.

Since day one, I learned it took forever to queue for your food so since then, I relied on food from home.

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