Part 03 : When She Asked Him.

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Hilooo Ev1 Another short update is here. Well something is better than nothing. Hihihihi. Hope you all like it. Now let's move inside the story.

Here we go,

"Shona!" Sanskar said stepping towards her.

"No." Swara stepped back showing her hand, indicating him to stop.

"Shona please." He almost pleaded seeing her blank eyes. A few minutes back those orbs were shining but now....

"Don't do this. You know it's me, Shanky. Your Shanky." He tries to hold her hand but she shoved them away taking few more steps back.

"No! I don't know any Shanky!" She gripped the edge of her sari tightly, muttering in small whispers.

"I don't know him!" She turned around and immediately left from that place. Sanskar followed her impatiently.

"Listen to me Shona." He screamed from back while she kept on walking, wiping her tears.

He gripped her wrist, making her look at him. He cupped her face and look into her teary eyes. His eyes welled up seeing her so miserable.

"Shona!" She just stared him blankly.

"Mar gayi Shona!" He was frozen in his place as she made him hands off her.

"She is no more." A painful smile masked her face. "Maar diya sabne usse!" She said "You have mistaken. I'm Swara.... Not Shona. She died at the age of 6." She continued.

Sanskar stood rooted on his place. Every part of his body went rigid as he saw her turning around. How could she say like that?

"How dare you say something about my Shona like this?" He pulled her near him.
"Jaan basti hai usmei.... Zindegi hai wo meri... Samjhi." He was furious while saying, he tries to gaze at her eyes trying to find some emotions but it was all blank.

"Shona. Please....I'm sorry. Kuch toh bolo.... You silence is killing me!" His voice cracked as his fingers wiped her tears.

"Don't say like that. Tumhe pata hai, I can't bear this." His tears were dropping as he added.

"Talk to me. I'm craving for your voice. It's been soo long. Soo long Shonaa!" He embraced her for a hug but she didn't reciprocate and stayed still.

Swara closes her eyes tightly letting her tears flow. The flashes of that horrible day came across her mind. Her mom-dad, uncle-aunty left her alone and later Sanskar too. "I don't know who this girl is! She calls everyone Shanky." She recalled his words. Her eyes wide open and the next moment she pushed him with a great force.

"Shona!" He stumbled back bit somehow managed himself from falling.

"How many a times I have to tell you that I'm not Shona. Can't you understand the small thing? Wo maar chuki hai." She screamed unable to bear the pain she was going through. It was too much to bear.

"Let me explain . Give me a chance. I will make everything good. Trust your Shanky!" He cried by the end of his sentence.

"Trust." She let out a painful chuckle.
"Do you think this is easy? Trust? No. Mr Maheswari. Itna assan nehi hai. And what do you think, you can alive a person who is already dead? Can you? No!" She screamed pushing him more.

"Enough is enough Shona! I'm here. Your Shanky is here. Give your friend a chance to explain. Please!" He wouldn't give up anyway. He agreed he hurt her by leaving her alone but it was for her good. It wasn't easy for him to leave her either. But he did. Now he was back to make everything good and he would... Anyhow. No matter even if he had to bear her anger. He knew his Shona would forgive him, understand him.

"Friend? Shona?" One more painful chuckle left her lips as her face fell. "Where were her friend when she was left alone?
Where were her friend when her parents left her alone?
Kaha the tum jab uske Shanky nei Usse un anjaan logo ke saath bhej diya Tha?" She asked and her voice stated rising. Her whole being was shaking and Sanskar stood there speechless.

"Where were you when she was alone in that new place?
Where were you when she had no one but only her Shanky......" She paused "But he also left her alone. Just like everyone did." Her tears fell off and she cared least about wiping them.

"Kaha the Tum when she used to get night mares? She was scared of living alone.... She needed her Shanky but he left her in the hands of those people whom Shona didn't even know.
Where were your friendship when she couldn't sleep at night? Used to scream due to fear! Tab kaha the tum, kaha thi Tumhari dosti?" She stepped back, vigorously crying.

"Mar chuki hai Shona." She whispered before collapsing to the floor. Her vision blurred and a scream was heard off "Shona....!" She watched him running toward her.

"Shanky!" And she blacked out.

After sometime.

"Doctor she is fine, right?" Sanskar asked in hurry as the doctor finished his check up.

"Yes, she fainted due of stress but she is all right and will soon get her sense back. I have prescribed few medicines, make sure she takes it at time." Doctor said and Sanskar nodded.

"Take care!"

"Sure. Thank you!" Doctor left.

"Don't worry beta, she will get well soon and I'm sure, she will understand you and your situation too!" The wife of the head of orphanage said, looking at Sanskar.

When Swara fainted, he didn't know what to do,so he took her to the orphanage.

"She will take time. Bohut kuch saha hai usne choti si ummar mei!" She said seeing her lovingly.

Sanskar palmed his face, exhausted.

"I know Chaci. That why I have come here to make everything good........." He said but was cut off.

"And I know you will do it!" She said and he passed a smile.

Sanskar was sitting beside Swara, remembering those old days when she started murmuring something in her dream. He didn't take much time to understand that she was dreaming about that dreadful day.

"Swara. I'm here. Uttho." He tried to wake her up.

"Shanky!" She shouted coming out of her dreams.

"Swara. You ok? Look I'm here. Sab thik ho jayegi." He cupped her face unable to bear the pain he was going through seeing his Shona in that vulnerable state.

Swara looked at him for a second and the next moment she hugged him.

Sanskar reciprocated the hug and tried to calm her. "Shhh! Everything is all right Shona. Main hoon na!" and then she sobbed. She sobbed and her sobs turned into huge cries.

He clutched her near to his heart while his own tears couldn't stop flowing down his cheeks.

He said nothing more, just let her cry. Let her cry her heart out. Even though the sight was killing him but still he let her cry. Because it was needed.

"Everything will be all right." A gentle peck on her forehead and wiped off her tears parting from the hug.

Both were mess. But both were with each other and that was enough. They could cross any hurdles. He made her sleep as she drifted off due to medicine affect. But she didn't forgot to hold his little finger while sleeping...... Just like she used to do in childhood.

A small smile formed in his lips as he stared at their join hands.

How was it guys! Not upto marks na? I know. Actually I was going through SwaSan "Dosti mei no sorry no thank you scene" so I thought of writing this part. I miss them 😔.


Thank you sooo much for reading..!!
God bless you all <3<3.

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