Chapter 4

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As I sat at my room couch,waiting for Greyson to reply,I decided to change my clothes

and opened my cabinet and saw this...

Purple for all

So i change my outfit...


As I open my Big cabinet to find a perfect style in the park with Caline...

As I opened My closet i saw this perfect outfit

so i change my outfit


I walked outside the house of my Gradma,and I walked straight to the park,I saw this wonderful boy under the tree...its greyson,ohh my...Im i falling for him or what?

Greyson-Hey! what's up?

Caline-Nothing much.....

*thinks-even in public places he needs a disguise even with me,I pity him.....   :\*

Greyson-Walk with me in the river bridge?

Caline-Yeah sure why not

As I walked with him,I feel butterflies in my stomach,OMY im I? am I? falling for him?

Greyson-Im sorry that i kiss.*gets cutt of*

Caline-Its ok...dont worry...

Greyson-Hey can you meet me here at 7 pm? wear your best clothes?

Caline-Yeah sur....wait a sec???? are you asking me out?

Greyson-ummm....yeah...cause you see I have a...*gets cut off*

Caline-Crush on me? we just met..

Greyson-Yeah I know,but you see when I saw you in youtube,i just felt that your the one.So,will you go out with me

Caline-OK..... :) cause you traveled a thousand miles just to see my smile and myself. OK :0 i got to admit to I..

Greyson-*cuts off caline and kissed her* have a crush on me?

Caline-yeah:) i really you know like this..*Kissed Greyson*

Greyson-*depends on it*

Caline-*pulls away* get it?

Greyson-Yeah,babe :)

Caline-I Love you

Greyson-I Love you too

Caline-But we can't tell anyone.....your a star im just a simple girl

Greyson-dont worry.....we wont tell ok....

Caline-so we can go walk while talking...

Greyson-Ok babe

so we walk and he is really easy to talk too..

Caline-so its 5:45pm i need to go...see yah later bye

Greyson-Bye babe

I went to my grandmas house

and I went to my closet to pick my dress

then Greyson text me

Caline,our color is purple..

Love yahhh

so I rushly look for a purple dress

and i found this..

~A Million Chances~ (A Greyson Chance Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora