And so it begins!

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Spooky_Heart Ask:
-Do you feel afraid?
-What are you afraid of?
Vampire!felix: Are we suppose to feel afraid?.. I mean..I am slightly afraid of fire-
Vampire!Felix: ...-flies. Fire flies ;;;
Flamy: I'm not a idiot you know.
Vampire!Felix: QvQ
-Would you do a ritual if I told you to?
Flamy: if I get to burn or sacrifice... maybe
Vampire!Felix: I don't think I'd do it... seems dangerous.
-At least one good opinion on eachother?
Vampire!Felix: Flamy is hot and nice to huge when he lets me.
Flamy: wait what.
Vampire!Felix: ??? *realizes* oh *blushes slightly* w-wait not like that! I-I meant like temperature type of hot not the other type of hot y-you know like um ;;;
Flamy: Geez, how can you talk that much.
-Feed eachother some cookies C:
Flamy: *holds jar of cookies*
Vampire!Felix: are you going to share on-
Flamy: no *eats cookie*
Vampire!Felix: whaaaat! No fair~ ;-;
Flamy: f*ck you
-Watch a scary movie together with all lights off at night
Vampire!Felix: *watches excitedly*
Flamy: *tries to avoid all jumpscare scenes*
Vampire!Felix: Flamy, are you afraid?
Flamy: yeah
Vampire!Felix:... permission to hug? OvO
Vampire!Felix: *hugs*
-7 minutes in heaven.
Vampire!Felix: *blushes* w-wait, i-isnt it too early for that?
Flamy: what the h*ll is that
Vampire!Felix: *explains*
Flamy:...never thought id hear you say anything dirty
Vampire!Felix: what do you mean by that! QAQ
Flamy: Snowy is basically pranking himself. Why bother.
Vampire!Felix: I feel bad pranking myself Q-Q ...that sounded weird
Katiagaming Ask:
-Your opinion on cats? :v
Flamy: They're nice. I have one myself.
Vampire!Felix: i like them! But I'm allergic to them sadly
-What would you two do if you were left alone on an island... together, just you two? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Flamy: there wouldn't be two for long
Vampire!Felix: Are you saying you'd sacrifice me??
Flamy: Yeah, you'd just be a burden anyways
Vampire!Felix: you could've at least pretend to say you wouldn't ;-; meanie
-How many pizza slices can you fit in your mouth?
Vampire!Felix: I think two? I dont eat too much food so i wouldnt really know...
Flamy: 4
Vampire!Felix: you tried it before?
Flamy: no
Vampire!Felix: oh...
Flamy:why the f*ck would i shove pizza in my mouth? Im not trying to die.
-Favourite type of clothing? (ex : hoodies, suits, capes, etc...)
Flamy: dont really have one
Vampire!Felix: i love capes! To me they are like a blanket thats always covering me
-Hand-holding is a no no or a yes yes for you two?
Vampire!Felix: yes yes!
Flamy: no
Vampire!Felix: w-why not Q-Q
Flamy:Then your replacing hugs with holding hands
Vampire!Felix: but i like both
Flamy: not my problem
Dares :
-I dare Flamy to kiss Felix's nose
-Slow dance together c;
Flamy: h*ll no
Vampire!Felix: i don't know how to dance anyways so its fine ;v;

Leave sum ask or dare for dem :v
Also, plz note that i haven't written a book in awhile so this might seem a bit odd or really messy xddd sorry ;9

Totally not going to draw them slow dancing btw ;DDD

Ask/Dare Vampire!Felix X FlamyWhere stories live. Discover now