Henders in the House

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Heyyy this is Jasmin writing! Here's the first chapter, Enjoi!


(Devin's POV)

"Devin Henders!" The interviewer shouted. I walked onto the set with my head held high and a wide grin splitting my face. The room was jam packed with fans in the audience. I hadn't been here in a long time and it felt great to just relax and do an interview. Being on the top of the charts doesn't give you a lot of breaks. With the concerts and Meet n' Greets, I felt ready to explode. So this was something new.

"Long time no see. Call me Becca." Becca said going in for a hug. I gently patted her back then sat down across from her. She started off with some easy questions like "How are you?", "How longs the tour?", and "Do you get any hate?". I answered those questions in a breeze. Of course I get hate, name one celebrity who doesn't. Then she went off to what you call, the 'juicy gossip'.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Anyone caught your eye?"

"Not really."

"if you keep up with this, you might die alone with only cats." Becca laughed.

"I like cats." I replied.

"Any celebrity crush?"

"Er... I don't know." I said honestly.

"C'mon atleast answer this question."

"Fine. Harry Styles." To be honest, he is quite attractive. I wouldn't mind dating him, but then I also heard that he plays with girls' feelings. That I do not like.


"Harry Styles. British? Band? One-"

"I know who he is, Honey. It's just that he's into older women, like me! Not silly little girls like you." She giggled. The audience hissed at her comment. Older women? I should have known that considering he dated Caroline Flack when he was HALF HER AGE! But Becca having a chance with Harry? Excuse me while I go vomit. She's probably older than his mum! I think Becca's smoking some crack or something.

"But it's ironic." She continued.

"How so?" I muttered gritting my teeth.

"That he's here today! I welcome you One Direction!" She hollered. I winced at her screaming. Wait did she say he was here today? But if he's here today, then he heard the interview. If he heard the interview, he knows who my celebrity crush is.


One Direction came bounding onto the set, while all the fangirls in the audience screamed bloody murder. Becca went for hugs with them just like she did with me. But when she hugged Harry, she was practically clinging onto him while he was trying to pull her off. I let out a small laugh. Harry whipped his head up toward me, then smirked.

"The curls get the girls!" Harry shouted.

Liam smacked Harry's arm then went to help him get Becca off as Zayn, Louis, and Niall came and sat next to me. "Harry is mine." Louis mumbled under his breath.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Harry is still mine." Louis said. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Harry who sat down next to me.

"So you have a crush on me?" He whispered in my ear. I turned bright red and looked at him. He winked at me.

"If it makes you feel better, your my celebrity crush too." Harry smiled.

"Red is not a good color on you." Becca sneered, refering to my red face.

"Well green isn't a good color on you." I wasn't refering to her green dress, I was refering to the fact that she's jealous I'm sitting by Harry.

For the rest of the interview, Becca kept glaring at me, and Harry kept teasing me. Definetly not relaxing . Atleast the tour is over. Afterwards, Niall dragged me to the food area to eat. We were soon joined by Harry, who was trying to avoid Becca.

"So friend." He said sitting next to me.

"Friend?" I questioned.

"I'm not ready for a relationship." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. Just because I admitted he was my celebrity crush, doesn't mean I'm completely and utterly in love with him.

"Are you going to eat that?" Niall pointed at my half finished plate of taco's.

"Knock yourself out." I handed him my plate. Niall grinned and kissed me on the cheek.

"Awww. Too bad she likes me." Harry giggled.

"Shut up Harry! Niall's my friend." I yelled.

"Can I have your number then?" He asked. I looked him over, making sure he wasn't stalker material. He grinned in victory as I handed my phone over to him as he gave me his. When he gave me my phone back, I quickly looked through my contacts to see what he saved his name under.


"McLovin'? Really?" I laughed.

"Yup. I'll text you later. C'mon Niall we have to go back to the flats." Harry gave me a hug and then dragged Niall out the door.

"Bye Dev!" Harry yelled.

Since when did I get a nickname?


Not my best chapter but I'll try to make it funnier next time. VOTE FAN AND COMMENT! Loves ya.

Peace, Love, and Nando's! <3

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