Believe it or not{because my friend told me to do this}

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Meanwhile, Gary Wolfs mind was wondered back to the past. The good old days....

It was Lord Prides confirmation party, which everyone was invited too.

The party was awesome as always, because was hosting it.

Gary Wolf was pretty drunk that day.

If Gary Wolf was honest, He couldn't remember much that happened.

Only something about a teddy bear,a rabbi and a traffic cone.

There was one thing that stuck in Him mind though. Something He would never forget.

Angelica Gary.

Angelica Gary was wearing a Lord Pride mask that night

It was one of the most erotic costumes at the party.

Everyone had come as something or someone else.

No one could recognize anyone else because everyone had bits of their bodies covered;



WAS DRESSed as Gary Wolf.

Gary Wolf was dressed as Lord Pride.

And Lord Pride was dressed as a pillow.

Gary Wolf had no idea which person Angelica Gary was! At the top they were strangers. But they would become much more!

Gary Wolf was instantly attracted to Angelica Gary in Her costume. The way She moved. The way She talked.The way She flicked Her hair.

Angelica Gary was doing a Karaoke number.

It was "99 red balloons". And She was awesome.

She sung like a true seductor.The audience was miasmarised by Angelica Gary.

Underwear was chucked at Angelica Gary.

Gary Wolf was soooo turned on.

(and He didn't need that underwear anyway)

Despite His crushing shyness,and fear of people judging him,Gary Wolf got up and sang too.

When Angelica Gary was singing 99 red balloons it was like the words spoke to Him. Angelica Gary seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to Him. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.

They gazed into eachother eyes as Angelica Gary spoke the last lyric.

Then silence.

Suddenly, Gary Wolf was woken out of the flashback by the present


One day Gary Wolf was doing Farming...


The next time they saw eachother Angelica Gary winked at Gary Wolf, remembering what happened at the party.Gary Wolf blushed.

Some of the others giggled. Did they know? Gary Wolf didn't care.



I suck at writing summaries. Bsides the 'fic isn't that long!

Gary Wolf was sitting behind his desk. He felt the tears well up in his eyes . After their last adventure, Gary Wolf found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How nasty and inconsiderate real humans actually were. Gary Wolf stared at a picture of a polar bear. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill him but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on him when he was at his weakest and darkest moment. When he needed his friends the most.

WHY DID I MAKE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα