golden doctor

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five o'clock was almost here. junkook was tapping his thigh as he nervously waited for his name to be call.

today was friday,unlike any other person they would be spending their friday relaxing or having fun. he, however, couldn't. it was okay thought because hoseok was there with him.

hoseok without any warning grabbed jungkook's hand.

jungkook face flushed a little bit with embarrassment, but he never let go of hoseok hand.

they held each others hand until a nurse called his name telling him to go to room 501.

he stood up feeling sad that he had to let go of hoseok's hand. as if the older male knew why jungkook was feeling sad,he kept holding the raven head hands.

they walked hand -in- hand together to room 501. this made both male happy.

when they got inside the the room,a nurse had suddenly came inside. "good evening jeon-ah and jung-ah." the nurse bowed.

"good evening." the two male said at the same time.

"jeon-ah can you please sit in the chair your left." the nurse said as she took out a stethoscope,pen,
clipboard ,which had papers on it, out of her bag.

"jeon-ah how long has it been since you had passed out ?" the nurse asked.

"four days"

"did you feel daze in any of those three day? "

" yes."

"do you remember the day?"

" tuesday."

"just tuesday."


the nurse nodded her head as she wrote down his answer.

"okay,now jeon-ah, i need you to sit straight so i can her you heart beat." she told jungkook as she putted the clipboard on a counter.

she went close to him,putted the stethoscope close to his ear,and listen to his heart beat.

after a couple of seconds, she went to the counter to write something on the paper.

she then turned around,took a pulse oximeter blood oxygen monitor putted it around his wrist, and the brought his right hand to his chest. "please don't move until you hear a beep." the nurse told jungkook.

a couple of seconds had past,the nurse wrote the number on the paper,took the pulse oximeter blood
oxygen monitor off of his wrist,and then put back everything she brought out if her back -with the expectation of the the clipboard.

"the doctor should be here in a couple minutes." the nurse said before she left the room.

jungkook and hoseok ,then,started to look at each other. both weren't sure on what they were supposed to do nor say. so they were there in the room awkwardly looking at each other.

then the door was opened loudly, a tall and skinny woman who, looked like she was in her thirty, was wearing a white coat.

"hello,jeon-ah and jung-ah. " the doctor said.

"hello,doctor-nim." both male said back.

the doctor went to where jungkook was sitting. "jeon-ah,i'm going to put my hand on your back. if you feel any pain somewhere,tell me."

her hand went up to his upper back,she putted a little bit of pressure on his back;she did that until reached jungkook's lower part if his back when she heard an "ouch" that came out of the raven head male.

she took her hand off his back,wrote something on the paper. after she was done,she took a light blue rob and dark blue plastic like shorts. "we will need to have an x-ray look on you,jungkook, to see if anything internal broke. i will give you a couple of minutes to change. please wear this shorts underneath your underwear. please call me when you're done." she told the younger male.

jungkook nodded his head,the doctor then left. hoseok then turned around without jungkook telling. jungkook then stripped down and changed.


jungkook was now in a room without hoseok. he felt the anxiety kicking in. begin a room without hoseok made him feel sad. oh how the poor boy wish he was in a room with his precious hyung.

jungkook was laying down in a bed,waiting for the x-ray to start. it didn't take long for the x-ray to start and stop.

"you can go back to your room and change. we will tell you what happened in a short moment."a random nurse told jungkook.

jungkook was already changed and was holding hoseok's hand. he felt better,calmer.

they were listening to a song called what if i go by mura masa. both felt calm and connected by the instruments and light beat that was well put with the person who was singing.

"where ever you go,i'll go with you babe." jungkook sang when had turned his head to look at hoseok.

the door then flew opened. the doctor came inside and sat at a chair across from them.

"jeon-ah. you're fine. there's nothing to worry about. the pain that you felt in the middle of the back is just sore. instead of falling with you head first,from what i'm guessing, you fall on your back which caused you to break tiny pieces of you backbone,but not enough to kill or harm you. " the doctor told jungkook who all he did was nod.

the doctor stood up went to her pocket,took out two lollipop and gave it to the two males.

"anyways,bye. i hope you guys have an amazing friday night." before she left the room she told jungkook. "make sure to tell jung-ah your feelings. he feels the same way,mother and woman intuition. trust me."

author notes :
this chapter is probably the longest chapter that i wrote in the story.

there's not a lot of junghope interaction,but the next chapter will have a lot!

anyways i have this fanfic that i've already wrote the first chapter and everything,but i'm not sure if i should publish it. just in case your wondering it's a jihope fanfic.

i hope you guys liked this chapter.

i hope you all have an nice day/night.

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