To give you hope

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  We all have moments when we'resure the gods in power have chosens us to be their personal whipping boys, but if you take astep back, you'll see the way out, and years later w and when you look at it with some perspective there will be many an event in your life that no amount of time will ever take the sting out of it. Days when you know that your heart has been bruitally ripped out and throughly stomped. But every one of those events is a definging monent in our lives, that for better or for worse changes us forever and carves a scar onour souls.They will leave us , bitter, shell-shocked, and bleeding- that is a gangryaruntee from a cold bruital universe that hates us. We don't know how or when our bad days will blindside us.But what we do choose is how we allow to leave us once they're gone. You can use those moments as a catalyst to spur you on to greater thing or you can let it be the event that brings you down and leave you shattered forever lost in the darkness. That  is the cruse of free will. You can blame it all on fate or the universe but in the end you alone make the decision if you're going to lie down and let hell take you under, orif you are going to stand strong in defyance of it all with your middle finger raised. If you muster enough courage to stand under fire and not go down, you will amass an inner sterength that no one can touch. You wont be another nameless face in the long line of the historacly defated. You will be a steeled warrior, and a force to be forever reconed with. And beneth the pain that lingers you'll have the comfort of knowing that you are the strongest of them all.

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