The Move

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It was the big day, and this was the big house she had heard so much about. Madeleine Woodward stepped out of the truck, box in hand, and gazed up at the large plantation style house, the weeping willows swaying gently in the wind; the faint babbling of a large stream could be heard somewhere nearby. She and the house sighed in unison, making gooseflesh appear across her skin. She could have sworn she saw a face, maybe two, gazing back in her direction. "Maddie!" She heard the excited voice call from her left; the same weathered, gentle voice that would sooth her when she was hurt, correct her when she was wrong, and would praise her if she did right. Alice Woodward bounded up to Madeleine, carrying a box and a bag looped through one arm. She seemed to ignore the Arthritis that constantly pained her knee.

"Yeah, mom?" Madeleine turned completely to face her mother, chills still attacking what skin still faced the house. Alice was a thin woman, but strong none the less. Her short, dirty blonde hair shone a golden hue in the morning light, her hazel eyes gleamed with a sort of excited feel, and she had the energy of a child, though her crows feet betrayed her age. The smile on her mothers face was infectious, and she couldn't help but smile in return, though it was short lived as she heard her older sister's shrill voice cry up from the other side of the truck. "God DAMMIT Mom! I though you said we were moving somewhere NICE!" Groans ensued from the two, and a small one from the other side of the truck. Madeleine and her older sister Taylor had a love hate relationship, and this was the hate part. Although the house gave her the chills, Madeleine still thought the house itself was beautiful, and she appreciated her mothers effort in wanting everyone to live somewhere nice and safe.

Madeleine took that as her cue to go up to the house. As she fumbled with the box and the keys, she could hear the faint argument between her mother and her sister. Right as she finally managed to get the key inside the knob and open it, she heard the soft little steps of the youngest sister. Madeleine turned to see the small 5 year old carry a tiny box, most likely filled with a stuffed animal or two. She smiled as she saw the small head bob through the open doorway. The two looked nothing alike, but that was to be expected, since they were adoptive sisters after all. The small 5 year old, Lilly Ray was thin, and had thick black hair that reached her lower back, usually held in a braid or a ponytail. Due to her Native American blood, she and her older sister, Taylor, had darker skin, deep brown eyes, and strong cheek bones.

Unlike Lilly and Taylor, Madeleine was on the thicker side, and had long medium brown hair that fell in waves. Her skin was tan, and in some places, was dotted in freckles and beauty marks. Madeleine had Heterochromia Iridium, which means that one eye was emerald green, and the other was corn flower blue. On the left side of her jaw, she had a long scar stream down her throat, reaching where her trachea would be, still tender and pink.

The hardwood floor groaned under her feet as she walked in, that eerie feeling returning to her once more. She felt eyes on her immediately, so she didn't have time to inspect her new home as she rushed upstairs and picked the bedroom at the end of one hallway to be her bedroom. She rushed in and quickly shut the heavy wooden door behind her, letting out a relieved sigh as the feeling of being watched left. At least she could feel comfortable in her room. She set down her box on a large, dark oak desk in her room, and froze as she saw a note left on her desk. The careful, beautiful scrawl on the paper held an oddly foreboding note that only read two words.

"Be Careful."

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