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Shivers wracked Madeleine's body as she gazed up at the house. It had been two years, and her mother insisted they returned "For Lilly's sake." Madeleine didn't know why she agreed to come along. Was it for her mother, to protect her? To see if Lilly was even alive? To see that boy again?

That boy..

"Well Madeleine, we're back.. how do you feel? Do you need a moment?" Alice prodded gently, keeping a steady voice to calm Madeleine, though she could tell how in need of a break her mother was; More so than herself, surly. Poor Alice looked so tired now, so withered and ashen. Her eyes never shone quite like they did that first day, she never laughed, and rarely had Madeleine seen her mother smile. "I'm fine mom, lets head inside and see what we have to work with."

They had decided to move in, to try again. This time they had guns, a means of self protection. The two women walked up the steps carefully, as if the house itself would turn into a vicious beast and swallow them whole if they made one misstep. Madeleine took the first step inside, and could immediately tell something was different. For one, the entire house was clean; no blood, no dust, not even a dead bug. Second of all, she didn't feel like she was being watched at all. As she Looked around, Madeleine made her way up the stairs, Alice investigating downstairs.

There was a quick shuffling in a room near the steps as Madeleine was coming up, so she decided to investigate. Madeleine immediately recognized this to be the room she once found comfort in, and had to pause outside of the door to steady her breathing. She could hear more shuffling and something soft hitting the floor, and gently wrapped her fingers around the door nob, so softly she was almost caressing it. Madeleine twisted the nob and pushed open the door, stepping inside. Her eyes widened as she saw the boy, his shirt just above his head as he was in the process it putting it on. His long, pale torso slightly stretched out, his stomach tightening as the door opened. She noticed he had long, almost silvery scars scattered across his body, trailing over his slender yet toned form. His gentle face was now one of shock, his amber eyes widening as he froze and saw Madeleine.

They stood like that for a moment, until red started to sweep across his face and he quickly put on the shirt. The boy stood back and crossed his arms, looking down almost in shame. "So you came back.. Why?" His voice was like silk, enveloping and flowing through the clean, crisp air. Madeleine couldn't help but shutter as his voice sent chills through her. He looked the same as he did when they first met, mature, yet still held on to his sort of boyish softness. Madeleine shrugged and looked away, not quite sure of the reason herself. "You're going to have to ask my mom about that. I don't know why we came back, but it's just me and her now."

At that, he scoffed and shook his head, his black, shaggy hair wet and dripping onto the hard wood floor. "It's almost like you want to get killed.. Madeleine, that thing is a monster, and Lilly is lucky she's-" "Wait, Lilly is alive?!" Madeleine cut him off, her eyes growing wide. She couldn't believe what she just heard. After two years, Lilly was still alive! Did the creature spare her for a reason? "I need to go see her! I need to tell my mom and we can-" The boy walked up to Madeleine and softly grasped her shoulders. She took note of how warm his hands were on her cold, bare shoulders. "Madeleine, you can't get to her right now, it's too dangerous," he sighed out as Madeleine started to tear up. He pulled her close, hugging her tightly as though she would crumble and vanish. "I'm sorry.. I would love for you to see her, but the creature has her right now. It's really not safe for you to even be in this house." He said softly. Madeleine buried her face in his hard chest, now taking note of just how tall he is compared to her, and how his tall, slender form had almost enveloped her thick body. It felt nice, and she felt herself calm down.

He led Madeleine to his bed, sitting her down and holding her until she had completely calmed, stroking her hair. As she regained her composure, she pulled away. Madeleine didn't know why, but this boy could calm her yet set ablaze some deep, dark feeling within her that she didn't quite understand. Her face was flushed red, and so was the boys'. "Well..." Madeleine murmured, trying to start a conversation. Anything to distract her from their embrace "Since you know my name, I'd like to know yours." At this, his eyes widened and he straightened himself. "Ah yes, of course. My name is Carter." Madeleine nodded and stood up, fidgeting with her shirt. "Well, it was nice to officially meet you, Carter." Before Carter could say anything, she turned and walked to the door, hesitantly turning back and looking at him. "I wont tell my mom about this.. God forbid what she would do." At that, she turned. Just before she could walk out, he called out to her. "Can we talk later? So things are less.. awkward?"

She smiled to herself and nodded, then took her leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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