Chapter 6-Fear

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That night Blair cried her eyes out of fright and embarrassment to her brother.

The next day Blair woke up alone. There was no one in the room next to her was a note some water and some food.The note said

We hope you feel better Blair-chan


Blair smiled and took a drink of water. She then went to the bathroom and saw the blood stains under her nose.


This is bad.They probably see me as some freak who needs help.


Maybe if I do something else they will forget about what happened the shock will make them forget.

Um, what should I do?

I look in the mirror and around the bathroom. I spot some scissors and look at my hair.

Should I cut it?

No this is stupid.Of course, they won't forget.

Maybe I should change something about myself though. I mean If they are gonna start seeing me as a different person I might as well become one.Also, this blonde streak was a mistake I will get it dyed today. I might as well go right away


Blair picks up the scissors and a lock of her hair she takes a deep breath and takes the first chop.

she takes another

and another.

She finishes up the back and looks in the mirror. Her once waist length black and blonde hair in now to her neck with barely visible traces of blonde.Blair takes another deep breath and looks at her new hairstyle.Blair is very happy with her decision and takes a 10-minute shower. When she came out of the shower she put on a striped shirt and a blue hoodie with striped sleeves.She also put on some black shorts that were covered by the hoodie.She put on some thigh high stockings and some black dress shoes.She popped in her earbuds and blasted Quartet nights new album.She grabbed her wallet and her phone.Blair put her hood up making sure to hide her hair.She then proceeded to walk out the door.

Blair had planned to get out of there and go to the salon.She had planned to go to that place to think and hopefully get some answers. She planned to try and have a relaxing day off but as expected something came up.Right, when she opened her door she ran into Syo and Natsuki.

"Ah! Blair-san I made you some cookies." Natsuki said with a bright smile.Syo then proceeded to knock the cookies on the floor then grabbed Blair's hand and ran.

Then stopped outside near the hedge maze.They were panting.Syo then looked up frantic."Is he gone?" he asked Blair

Blair, on the other hand, while trying to keep her hood up nodded and thanked Syo.She then proceeded to quickly walk away.Syo looked like he remembered something.Blair felt a tug on her hoodie.

"Wait! Jax-san said that he wanted to meet you in the dining hall so he knows that you ate." He then walked off muttering something that sounded like "find" and "Natsuki's cooking"

Blair finally decided to run off campus into the nearest cafe. There she took out her phone and blocked all the numbers except one.

Her savior Mr.Flynn


Blair was shivering in the corner of the house as her dad walked closer a broken bottle in his hand.The little girl no older than 6 her body littered with small cuts and a big gash on her back to the top of her buttocks.Jax was being held back by her Dad's friends helplessly watching from afar screaming and thrashing about.

As he stepped closer to the bottle she tried to scoot back into the wall hoping to just disappear.That just made him angry. He grabbed her by her neck and held her above his head and slammed her down making the wound on her back bleed out more." this is your own fault" he said

There were two big bangs and right before Blair passed out she could see a figure fighting her demon of a father

When she woke up she was in an all-white room.She had a sharp pain in her left arm.There she saw an Iv taped to her arm.Her left was her sleeping brother in a similar state and to her right was a sleeping man whom she doesn't recognize.When she woke up she made a small sound that woke up the strange man his eyes lit up when he saw her and he immediately yelled for a nurse.That woke up Jax.The man looked like he was about to burst into tears. The nurse walked in and started talking to the young kids.

"Ms.Blair your cuts will heal with no problems but the gash on your back will leave a pretty nasty scar and Mr.Jax same with you except the scar will be on your chest" the nurse looked at the kids in pity then walk out giving a small smile to the strange man.

The children then looked at the man and Jax spoke first.

"Thank you old man for saving me and my sister" The man smiled "It's my job to help people in need"

Blair spoke up with her weak voice" Whats your name?"

"My name is Flynn and I'm not old I'm 18," Flynn said with a small blush on his tan face. Blair giggled at his reaction and asked the purest question

"Can you be our friend?"

And from that day on he would visit the hospital every day and when they were out he would always visit their foster homes and he even fostered them when they were almost separated.He was their hero.

===============flashback over==============

She was at a small cafe her phone by her ear as the dialing noise was sounding.Her eyes were darting around for possible fans and maybe even someone from Shining Entertainment she was snapped out pf her trance when a voice came through.

"Hello Blair"

Blair's eyes lit up and she spoke

"Hi, Flynn how are you?"

"I'm great I haven't talked to you since you went to the music school by the way how is that?Wheres Jax?"

Blair frowns"Well that's kinda complicated and that's why I need you to come meet me at the Cafe by Jamerson street if you can make it?"

Shuffling was heard in the back "I will be ther in 10 minutes kay?"

"Okay because I happened again"

You could hear him gasp om the other side


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