Chapter 5

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Never have I been like this before at least not at work. I tried hard not to let this sort of behavior occur anywhere outside the comfort of my home. Now look at me. I'm a mess.

Relax Sage, you were taught to always handle all sorts of situations. Don't mess up now. How father would have my ass right now if he even caught a glimpse of the state I was in.

I've never been more thankful for the absurd walls around me than now. I slid down the closed door wounding my arms around myself. I could still feel his arms around me, his hot breath on my neck. My heart is still beating too fast to be considered healthy. My body aching with need for him.

I clutched at my chest, kneading my knuckles at the pain, trying to relieve some of the tension. It hurt but not for the reason that it should. I couldn't place it. This isn't even fear. Than why did I react like that?

My mind kept going back to what just happened and I have never been happier for my ability to keep my composure now more than ever. I brought one hand up to grasp at my forehead. That man couldn't be serious, no not about me.

I winced as a headache started to form. Crawling over to my desk I rummage through my bag to rid myself of any pending pain. My thoughts kept going back to what occurred in his office, and really how could it not.

For the past couple of weeks Mr. Amoux had tried to get me to go out with him. So much so that he even started to tag along when I went to see how things were going among the employes. When it came to work the man was brilliant. My chest would fill with pride over the fact that I worked for him. Through our rounds I leaped in joy that we got to spend time together though I knew better.

He'd ask questions now and then which increased one by one and they'd get more personal then the next. When I wouldn't answer he'd response with his own and we both knew I listened despite my indifference.I was glad for my excellent composure or my floozy little self would have been bent over a desk, ass in the air an open invite for him to ravish me. Like he had once said he fantasy me in.

The things that man has uttered has had me spending personal time with my hand far too much for my liking and nearly fried my mine with the obscene images. Like the countless times I have said that man is not healthy for me.

I knew that before I came to work here he hadn't been the one to run things around here. And so we had a lot to do about some of his incompetent staff. Through it all I have come to realize how strong my will power is. I have wanted nothing more than to make his words and my fantasies come true. I just kept reminding myself that I was at work and such public acts were illegal.

The man truly was amazing though. He owned numerous businesses however left them in the hands of capable men and\or women. He had other business he personally dealt with. The one I worked at was his largest and most well known. He had trusted the wrong man and the old secretary at the time to do their job but I was more than capable of fixing such mediocre problems.

I knew his field of work ventured more than this marketing group and that he may have another secretary that dealt with his more personal business. But in all honesty I thought since he had settled down to working here and he knew about my reputation that he'd eventually make me his own personal assistant.

It hurt my pride yet boosted it all the same when he started with his advances. Even if I didn't except them, I got myself drunk on his attention when I was in the privacy of my own home. It fueled my imagination and deprived my body of any fluid. Not healthy, not one bit.

That was where the problem lay. I knew it made him angry that I kept rejecting him. However I couldn't get myself to trust his words. He liked me? The last time I let those kind of words get to me it left me broken and healing, physically and mentally for years.

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