[2] SMILE - FOR - ME

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When I woke up this morning, which was roughly about ten hours ago at around six o'clock in the morning, I started freaking about because I had no idea where I was, so naturally, I assumed I had been kidnapped. Then, the memories of yesterday flooded my mind and relief swept over me. 

Now, Tempest was pasting bandages over some newly gifted cuts on my face after applying some kind of was apparently supposed to help with the treatment. At the time, I was regretting my life because it stung like a bitch. 

I hissed in pain as she pressed the wet cotton ball on the very last cut. "That hurts," I muttered, stroking the bandages. Tempest sighed and put all her supplies back into her backpack. It's actually pretty convenient that she should carry all of this stuff around with her. 

"Did you... get into a fight?" Tempest asked, slipping her backpack on and walking alongside with me. It was nearing four o'clock and school had ended about an hour ago. 

"That's obvious, don't you think?" I said, looking at the ground. 

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"What? Getting punched?"

She nodded.

"Yeah, it hurts, but then that gives you reason enough to punch them back until you're satisfied," I replied, trying hard not to yawn. "Thanks, by the way, for--" I waved my finger around my face, hinting at the numerous bandages. 

"You're welcome," Tempest smiled, but not in the kind, generous smile that's mostly used when she greets someone, but in that big, triumphant smile which rarely comes across her face. In fact, up until now, I don't think I've ever seen her smile like that. Not even since we met. 

"Smiles suit you," I blurted. 

Her face reddened and she jerked her head downwards, forcing herself to stare at the sidewalk. I held my laugh, knowing it would upset her even more. "Why're you so shy?" I asked. 

"I'm not shy," Tempest replied.

"Sure, sure," I chuckled. 

"Why're you so cranky?" 

I stared at her, shocked. "I am not cranky," I said. 

"Sure, sure," 

"Why aren't you shy around me? You've only known me for a day," I queried. 

"We'll be living together for five months. There's no... need for avoiding you and you're... n-nice," Tempest replied, continuing to look at the ground as if there were something interesting about it. "Also, I'm not shy," she said very quickly. 

"Then what are you?" I asked.

"I'm scared," Tempest added, "of people,"


"The girls, besides Lina, are always glaring at me... or saying mean things to me or... about me," Tempest said. "The guys are... so persistent and they won't leave me... alone,"

"It's the same with me, but switched. Guys are jealous of me, girls love me. I'm not scared of them," I replied, shrugging. 

"You... and I? We're different. Very different people,"  

"I guess you're right," I said. 

"So, if you're not cranky, then what are you?" 

"I'm human," I grinned. Tempest scrunched her eyebrows up and she looked like she was thinking very deeply of something, so I decided not to say anything else. Suddenly, she whipped her head up, staring me straight into the eyes and grabbed my shoulders.

"Axel," she said seriously, "am I human?" 

I stared at her for a few seconds and blinked. Then, I burst out into laughter. 

"Wh-what? Why're you laughing?" Tempest asked.

"Of course you're human," I said, wiping my tears. "It's just... It's really funny that you actually had to think about that for a second and the way you asked that, so seriously. Did you think you were an alien of some sort?"

"No, I just..." Tempest's face heated up from embarrassment and she struggled to hide it with her hair and her hands. Instinctively, I patted her head. She tensed up and looked at me surprised. 

"You're human," I decided. 

It was, once again, quiet, until Tempest opened her mouth to speak. I turned to her, expecting to say something, but nothing came out. She closed her mouth, breathed in, and exhaled. I stared at her weirdly. 

"Um... I don't have many friends," Tempest said, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her coat. "My.... only friend is Lina, who I've known f-for eleven years,"

"Yeah, I know that,"

"Axel, c-can.... we be friends?" 

"You're pretty old-fashioned," I replied, almost immediately. Tempest looked at me confused. "People usually just decide they're friends with one another if they can talk normally or laugh together or joke together," 

"So, we're friends?" she asked.

"I guess," I said. "I don't really have a problem with you, unlike most others in school, so yeah, we're friends,"

The victorious smile came across her face again. 

A smile I don't think anyone, especially me, can forget. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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