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The cabin was split into two pieces on the side well three. There was the bathroom and then to separate rooms with four bunks in each. One for the girls and one for the boys. Its going to be dodgy using the bathroom thought since someone's bound to forget the lock and one of us is going to walk in, scream and attract attention causing everyone to come and see what was going on. Therefore creating a major problem. Sienne had taken the first bunk complain that it was the nearest to the door and away from us freaks.

She seems so lovely. I say that sarcastically. As soon as she had dumped her bag she had disappeared back out the door to where her friends are. 'Hey roomy, are you going to take top bunk or bottom' I ask Alex with a smile. She shot me a glare and placed her pink suitcase on the bottom. Looks like I'm on top either way. I really could figured out what had gone wrong with talking to her. Obviously I had communicated the wrong thing to her or done something in the past few hours to upset her. But what.

Right now I missed my old school more than I would have thought. At least there I was somebody and not a nobody. The other girl that was in the room with us seemed pretty uninterested in communicating with us. Either there is something wrong with me or these people have some bloody strange hierarchy. Part of me was tempted to go see what the guys where doing on the other side but they were probably naked or challenging each other to some sort of brawl. Or there's the possibility of them trying to figure out who had the coolest body.

Sitting down on my bunk I looked down at the wet trousers I was wearing and wish I could put something dry on. But we would probably have to leave in a minute so what would be the point. Swing my legs about a bit I waited in the silence. Maybe I should talk. I probably shouldn't have got kicked out of my old school and been force to move here to live with my aunt. At least then I could be with my friends, hanging out laughing. In fact if I was on this trip with my old school the bunks wouldn't have been a problem. Everyone wouldn't have been bothered about who ever we ended up with.

Everyone was friends with everyone. Okay so you have a few mortal enemies but wouldn't have this sort of problem, plus we would all be talking right now. Or making jokes about how nice the place was. It wouldn't be dull nor would it be boring. Jumping down and landing with a slight thump I walked to the door where we had come in. Opening it I pulled off the name list and opened it. Inside was a list of rules and duties. Since no one else seemed all that bothered by it I decide to play an interest. You never know what might be on there. 

Or there could be just a load of boring rules which there was and a rough plan of the day. Literally I don't think they should be expecting us to be up and ready for breakfast at half seven. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. Nor the whole lights out by 10 because I know from previous experience these sorts of people are nocturnal. I like sleep after all its like being dead with out the commitment but most people like sleeping during the morning I prefer night. Placing the rules down on the desk I re read through them.

Rule 3. I expect you to not to mix into the other half of your dorm room. 

I think that was meant for us since we were a mixed dorm room.  I don't know why they are so worried about mixing like why not get two cabins next time and then you wouldn't have this problem. Or the shower problem that I mentioned earlier. I looked at Alex who was laying on her bed looking up at the bunk above her. I contemplated speaking to her but she had this look that sort of made me think she would bit my head off. I looked at the other girl and decide to go introduce myself.

"Hi I'm carter" I smiled. "Pia" She replied turning her attention to nails. What is it with these people. "Don't you think this is going to be fun" I asked. She let out a chuckle. "Give up Carter she's not going to talk to you now that you have talk to me" Alex voice muttered. "Is there a rule book to this school because I'm pretty sure its like mean girls right now" I returned rolling my eyes. "Probably you would have to ask Sienne" Alex returned with a sour laugh. "If I knew I was going to end up in this dump I wouldn't have got my self kicked out of my previous school" I replied rolling my eyes at the pure stupidity of it all. This is school is rubbish.

"Did someone say they got kicked out of there previous school" A male voice went from behind me. "I did. Got a problem" I went spinning around. The four guys were standing there. Who knows which one spoke. "Possibly since we can only have one perfectly bad student here and its taken" the guy with black hair and bits of colour in the front said. "You can keep it. If I get kicked out of here I'm being sent to military school". "Hum I like how you think I'm Michael" He went sticking out his hand for me to shake it. I look at it in disdain and gently shook it. "Carter".

"Eww what the hell's happening in here" Siennes bitter voice went as she opened the door. "Just me and my new pal Carter plotting on how to ruin this whole trip and make Daley's life hell" Michael went batting his eyelash at her. She just rolled her eyes at him, "I came back to tell you that Daley wants us at the dining hall, from the looks of it food time". Yippee food. About time. Dropping Micheal's hand I headed out the door and in the direction of food. Brushing past something as I went. Alex seem to have the same idea since she was right beside me. "You know what Carter I think I was wrong about you. there something I'm beginning to like and its not the fact that you knocked Sienne over in your rush to get to the food".

A/N WHOOP AN UPDATE. This is unedited and I hope you like it and voteee xx

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