Chapter 2

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A/n: Hey guys, so I know this chapter is short. I promise others will be much longer. I wanted this one to be short for effect and punch and will upload the next chapter within the next three days instead of five because I know this isn't much. Either way, I hope you enjoy! Happy reading!
- Anabeth

Chapter 2


One thing that I’ll never be able to explain to people that can swim is that it’s not that simple. When shock sets in it’s not that simple to just think straight. A fish out of water can’t just walk. A person off of land can’t just swim. It doesn’t matter if it’s two feet or twenty -- I can’t do it. I can’t float. So from the second my toes hit the water, until it’s thousands of feet over my head, the fear remains. The sting of chlorine travels down my nostrils, my mouth, my throat; my lungs. I try to breathe -- the only thing I still seem to know how to do, and I get a stomach full of it. My eyes burst open, gazing up, arms flailing frantically, legs circling in a confused mess. Every inch of my skin has a feverish burn despite the iciness of the liquid around me. I shake my head back and forth, screaming at the top of my lungs only to hear a faint yelp in return. My hair tangles into my mouth and chokes me further. I can’t breathe and now I can’t see. Black and blue spots dance in front of me. Below me. Behind me. Above me. They all slow down. They all speed up. They stop. Then they are nothing and nowhere at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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